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Brothers of Briar

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  1. pistolero

    New Guy From Florida

    Welcome, brother. As to your financial situation, you can spend a fortune on pipes but you don't need to. You can pick up a cob and a couple pouches of drug store blends to try for the price of a couple nice cigars, but you will enjoy alot more than 2 smokes from it. Once you have a couple cobs...
  2. pistolero

    noob from Indianapolis

    Welcome, brother. I love Indy, worked there in the mid 90's.
  3. pistolero


    OMG that's such an understatement. You guys could really have given more warning on what I was getting into. THIS STUFF IS BROWN CRACK!!! :affraid: It looks like I'm already almost halfway through the tin! I liked my cigs and loved cigars,.... but this stuff is on another level. I could...
  4. pistolero

    Hey Finally Decided on My New Pipes

    That bitch right there IS HAWT. Briar porn goddess. Can I use that for wallpaper?
  5. pistolero


    Yes it does, I'm on about the 5th bowl of it, it's good. Hobie you can send that nasty stuff this way!
  6. pistolero

    The Field Pipe

    I hate it when that happens. :affraid:
  7. pistolero

    drawing it in

    Actually I smoked my first bowl of Escudo today. I've smoked cigs for years and inhale a couple of puffs of PA out of a bowl here and there. I blow everything I smoke out the nose to taste it but I don't actually fully inhale (like a cig) much when smoking a pipe. I wouldn't have done it on...
  8. pistolero


    Well my tin of Escudo arrived Thursday with my new Peterson. It is Stokkebyes. Opened it up and laid out a couple coins to dry. Today I decided to give it a try. Filled an old Grabow Crown Duke blue spade about 2/3rds full and fired up. Of course I reserve the right to change my mind with no...
  9. pistolero

    Annoying comments directed at pipe smokers

    She just wants a taste of your cigar. :affraid:
  10. pistolero

    Deer Tongue
  11. pistolero

    Help me pick a pipe.

    Yes my camera and photography sucks but here it is anyway, she's a chunk of briar:
  12. pistolero

    Help me pick a pipe.

    It's here!
  13. pistolero

    Got a Nice Suprise Today!

    Welcome to the brotherhood. 8)
  14. pistolero


    Thanks for the info Jack!
  15. pistolero


    I dig that root, man.
  16. pistolero

    The Pipe Smokers Of Mombaru

    :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: Go back where you came from and take your evil ways with you. AAAARRRRGGH!!! :affraid: J/K, welcome to BOB.
  17. pistolero

    Would love to see guys that know rank these pipes

    I know what I'd do with $700 to spend. I'd buy a couple or three nice briars at around $150 or so and start sampling tobaccos. But I'm new at this and don't have enough pipes or weed yet. If I had more nice pipes and knew what my favorite tobacco's were gonna be, I'd place some BULK orders for...
  18. pistolero


    Just ordered a tin of Escudo with my new Peterson from 4noggins. Their site says it's A.C. Peterson's, says now it's Stokkebye's. First is the tin I get from 4noggins going to be Peterson's or Stokkebye's, and second is there any difference? I've not smoked any version of...
  19. pistolero

    new here

    Welcome to the brotherhood, oh smokey one. :cheers: