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Brothers of Briar

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  1. Winslow

    What are you smoking?

    Aged Marlin Flake in an Ardor Calabash. 8) Winslow :sunny:
  2. Winslow

    The Franck Method

    Two things which are helpful to my smoking;packing the bowl with a thick pipe cleaner in place to avoid strangling the airway and Nording Keystones when I have some on hand.The keystones give an airpocket and also a moisture absorbtion at the bottom of the bowl. What really is disgusting is to...
  3. Winslow

    What are you smoking?

    Solani #633 Va/Perique in a Peterson Year Pipe,I love this shape-wish Peterson made it more available. [/img] Winslow :sunny:
  4. Winslow

    A word to the wise about menthol

    Nasal snuff queers the taste of the pipe,I don't snuff while piping or just before. I love snuff first thing in the morning though,that menthol snuff with coffee is really bracing. 8) Winslow :sunny:
  5. Winslow

    Now I know why Dad smoked...........

    Borkum Riff was very,very big when it first came out.Relatives gifted me pouches of it several times.I think it was the invention of R.L.Will, the German behind today's Solani blends.It sold for 79 cents a pouch back in those days. Winslow :sunny:
  6. Winslow

    Meer experts...

    That pipe looks like it still has years of use left in it,they are indestructible. Even if your house burned down that pipe would survive. :shock: Winslow :sunny:
  7. Winslow

    Starting My New Year's Resolutions...

    I will not buy any more pipes on impulse. :( Winslow :sunny:
  8. Winslow

    What are you smoking?

    Devil's Holiday in a Yanik Meer; Winslow :sunny:
  9. Winslow

    Meer experts...

    Maybe this helps you; Winslow :sunny:
  10. Winslow

    HELP! Samuel Weingott pipes!

    I found this photo......won't tell you much,but...... Winslow :bounce:
  11. Winslow

    Back of the bus...

    Now everyone join me in singing "99 bottles of beer on the wall" until the bus driver goes crazy. :lol: Winslow :sunny:
  12. Winslow

    What are you smoking?

    Bosun Cut Plug in an Altinok Santa Claus Meer. 8) Winslow :sunny:
  13. Winslow

    Finally Pulled the Trigger on a High Grade

    I enjoy that morning walk with my little guy and the pipe I smoke as we walk along the path in the woods.It's high point of some of my days. Winslow :sunny:
  14. Winslow

    pipetongue1's cellar

    There is a TV Show called "Hoarders" that films the inside of peoples houses that are compulsive hoarders.I would love to see them knock on your door with a camera crew. :lol: Winslow :sunny:
  15. Winslow

    What are you smoking?

    Bosun Cut Plug in a Tinsky Rhodesian. 8) Winslow :sunny:
  16. Winslow

    Managing the Rotation

    You will never have enough pipes!You will have some,none or more.But enough? We don't know that word. :) Winslow :sunny:
  17. Winslow

    The Light is Returning!

    Beautiful country up there,enjoy the light. Winslow :sunny:
  18. Winslow

    What are you smoking?

    Bosun Cut Plug in a Peterson 999 shape silver spigot.Snowbound in Virginia, hard to believe......people lied to me. :shock: Winslow :sunny:
  19. Winslow

    Snow of the Decade...

    Here in the Richmond Va. area the people are acting like a meteor was going to strike the earth.I'm from Northern Illinois,I can't believe it all. :shock: Winslow :sunny:
  20. Winslow

    What are you smoking?

    Bosun Cut Plug in a Peterson 1997 POY.This tobacco tastes great outdoors in the chilly weather,just delicious. :) Winslow :sunny: