Thank you Growley! I will definitely be contacting you soon! Stick, congratulations! Enjoy your pipe in wonderful health. I have held a couple of Growley's pipes in my hands and his craftsmanship is absolutely a wonder to behold.
Oh bravo chaps, very very pleased to see a chap here in blightey got the pipe, it is gorgeous pipe at that, enjoy it in rude good health Stick, congrats to you too JP, will look forward to seeing what you plump for, kudos to you Mr.Growley for you very generous gifts to everyone in this thread, absolutely amazing.
Congrats winners/everyone. Kudos to you Growley. What a great thread it was very interesting to read everyones responses. Stick your a very lucky man to be blessed with such a wonderful gift, it's gestures like this that make BoB what it is. Well done Brian.