Ok, so who am I to argue with the Fatman's Rule Book? I've always been one to obey the rules.
YEE HAW!!!! I'm in baccy heaven.
As I cut the seal on the package I knew I was in for a treat. The aroma of tobacco and just a hint of chocolate caused my mouth to start watering. Even my wife, who is not pleased with my pipe smoking, thought it smelled (dare I use the term?) yummy.
The box contained:
1. 100g tin of McClelland Dark Hollow. If I understand the sticker on the top this tin has been aging for five years. Should I open it or let it continue to age? No restraint - I'm gonna open that sucker.
2. 50g tin of Davidoff Green Mixture
3. 4oz of J M Boswell's Premium Burley (pardon me while I use a napkin to wipe my chin)
4. 2oz of Bright Burley
5. 2oz McClelland S100 Red Cake
6. 2oz of his own mix which smells like heaven. That was what I smelled when I opened the box.
I think I'll retreat to my "man cave" and smoke myself into a stupor. At least I would if I had a man cave. Guess I'm gonna have to build one now. :lol!:
Can't wait to start on this wonderful stash! I'll keep y'all posted as I try each blend. Great Big Yee Haw for my Secret Santa! :cheers:
Now I have to go find some matches.
