I bought the Stanwell Hans Christian Andersen Pipe II (smooth) from Cup o' Joe's last week, based on recommendations in this thread.
I've only smoked it twice so far, but I can tell it's very high quality. It does tend to burn cooler than my Savinelli, but I can't tell if that's because of the churchwarden stem or because the sidewalls are significantly thicker on the HCA and I don't feel the heat transfer as much.
The smoke itself doesn't feel any more or less cool than that from any other pipe in my limited experience. And you can definitely still get tongue/lip burn from a churchwarden if you don't smoke it right. I think my problem is (A) I'm smoking outside in constant light wind, and (B) as a result I have a hard time keeping the tobacco lit, so I have to do too many strong re-lighting puffs which stokes the embers too much and makes the tobacco give me an alkaline burn.
I'm going to try to start smoking in my shed when it's windy to see if that helps. It's just so damn hot out here in Texas right now, inside a shed with no wind moving is probably 110+ degrees.
But anyway, I love the Stanwell HCA pipe with its two stems. Haven't smoked it with the short stem yet. I'll take some pics when I can!