Well, apparently I can't embed any other video content besides YouTube and Dailymotion, so you'll just have to go to the Onion News Network for the story on this breakthrough survey.
Those guys always have a barrel of laughs ready for anyone who dare visit their site. I've read The Onion literally since their early days, and I am amazed they have been able to keep steaming ahead for all these years.
Well, you know what they say...the funniest satire is that which contains the most truth. You can't get much closer than that piece.
One of my heroes in that regard was Groucho Marx. His characters simply refused to take politicians and other self-prepossessed, pompous windbags as seriously as they take themselves. I wonder what would happen if we all treated them with similar disregard—not as human beings, mind you, to the extent that they act like decent humanoids—but as the blindly egomaniacal twits they show themselves to be whenever they spout their empty, self-aggrandizing platitudes. I wonder how long they would covet public office if no one ever took them seriously.
The "expert" in the interview nailed it: "The fact is, you've been doing a great job as it is. If it wasn't for the media...a lot less ******** in these elections."
That's precisely why I never watch the "news". There's nothing "new" about any of it.