Finishing a Prince

Brothers of Briar

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alfredo_buscatti":qvivb7vf said:
OK Kirk, ya good, in fact hilariously good, but the real test would be to go up against puros_bran; his insults are art. . .seek and ye shall find:).

I quadruple bypass dare ya.
Yeah, I see what you're trying to do here, you found a hole in the mud and slipped out from under your rock, now you've found the hole had caved in and are panicking in case I finds ya with ya arse up in the air trying desperately to seek cover from the tyranny of the Exspurt.

Ya've seen your meagre attempts at unnerving the Exspurt with your lame bomb threats have failed miserably and you are coming to see the light, that I is untouchable Exspurt. Ya've got til the count of 3 ta get ya butt back under ya rock afore I blasts ya with me 12 gauge in the rump.

Trying to pit two rude boys against one another will always have the same result, you'll have TWO Exspurts on ya back, ya feel me!?!

I said get under ya rock, go on, GIT OUT OF IT!!!
My computer time is limited. I'm engrossed in Skyrim on 360 to pass the season.

Otherwise all I'll have is bad Clockwork Orange references. No one wants that.

...right sodding mess of a man, aintcha? Untouchable like an elder poof messin' 'is big boy nappy, OI, cryin' like a baybay without 'is bottle o' treacle n gimlet, ay? What a keen tossa you is! :lol:

There. That's all I got for now.

Kyle Weiss":2g4ftdff said:
My computer time is limited. I'm engrossed in Skyrim on 360 to pass the season.

Otherwise all I'll have is bad Clockwork Orange references. No one wants that.

...right sodding mess of a man, aintcha? Untouchable like an elder poof messin' 'is big boy nappy, OI, cryin' like a baybay without 'is bottle o' treacle n gimlet, ay? What a keen tossa you is! :lol:

There. That's all I got for now.

Hmmmm, not bad, not bad at all, so how many times did you practise that in the mirror before you had the gumption to actually post it here then, I mean, it's pretty good for a trial run. Now all you need to do is stop thinking about your own low points as you rant, I know it's hard for you Kyle, having so many weaknesses and all but that way you can learn to direct your energies outwardly, given time you might even be able to come up with a passable insult, but you really should stop talking about your own short comings, especially if you want to have any sort of impact on other people.

The best thing you can do for now is to repeat the following 20 times each day:

"Kirk is Exspurt and is untouchable Brit with ultimate best looks ever"

Given a few months of this each day you will start to see the light, until then I recommend you stop dribbling as you speak, it looks bad, and that weird thing you do with your eyes as you stretch your face in that nervous energy kind of thing you've got going down, you need to knock it on the head, you look a bit like a caveman mate, and the way your knuckles scrape along the ground as you walk, it's not pretty Kyle, don't give up hope though, we're all there for you Buddy, baby steps mate, baby steps, alright, now tuck yourself in nice and tight and have a little nap, you need one after burning yourself out with your genuinely 100% attempt at rudeness, don't worry mate, although it didn't really work, it was way cute, nite nite little Buddy, sleep tight. :)
Insults are like female climax, mate, the more she goes on, the harder she's trying to fool ya.

Ya ain't convinced me yet, prettyboy. :heart:

Kyle Weiss":cdbdkp7a said:
Insults are like female climax, mate, the more she goes on, the harder she's trying to fool ya.

Ya ain't convinced me yet, prettyboy. :heart:

Oh you poor child, did I come across as insulting, it's okay lad, I understand, misunderstanding your peers is like having sex for the first time, don't matter how hard you try to get it right, you're destined to make a fool of yourself. Don't let it trouble you Buddy, we're all here for ya, nobodies going to think less of you. :heart:
Aww come on, maestro, that's all you could come up with? :p You're weepin' after that last quip I gave ya. Admit it. :twisted:

He's just going to call us a bunch of idiots, anyway, say if it were him, he'd ban us, blah blah. :lol:

Kyle Weiss":svne7mmu said:
Aww come on, maestro, that's all you could come up with? :p You're weepin' after that last quip I gave ya. Admit it. :twisted:


"that poor child, I must have buckled his feeble psychic defences more than I thought, better just play along with him to avoid any permanent damage"

Yes Kyle, you got me good and proper, your devastating come-back has left me wounded deeply and curled up like a newborn baby looking for his mummies titity.

"Blimey, I know they said that Kyle kid was feeble minded but this is ridiculous." :heart:
Sorry Don Alfredo, jumping in midstream would actually require reading the mindless drivel these buffoons are spewing... When Kyle is the intelligent member in a conversation you know no good can come of it.
puros_bran":idsjfnu7 said:
Sorry Don Alfredo, jumping in midstream would actually require reading the mindless drivel these buffoons are spewing... When Kyle is the intelligent member in a conversation you know no good can come of it.
Ha! :cheers:
Kyle Weiss":ztgzaow1 said:
Now I know you're runnin' on empty. :twisted:

You know me well Kyle, to be honest I am finding this a terrible strain, I like to have a giggle like most everyone else, but being cruel and rude just doesn't come naturally to me.

I can see that some folk find it perfectly natural to be rude and cruel, even folk who go around in rather juvenile blue costumes and have managed to convince themselves they have anything of worth to say seem to find it easy to be rude, but this of course determines their intellectual abilities, and going by that staggeringly low-brow outfit I should hazard a guess that the statement already made by that chap is about as clever as he could manage. Being cruel and rude to a clearly intellectually challenged individual just seems vulgar and wholly inappropriate, I just cannot bring myself to say anything unkind to or about the poor chap, I hate to disappoint you Kyle but really, you can't expect me to be cruel to the poor fellow. I already know the little guy is going to try as hard as he can to make some sort of puerile attempt to have a tantrum at me as he obviously lacks the ability to interact in an adult manner with his peers, I just can't do it Kyle, it's just not me mate, sorry to let you down old chap.
Bah, it's all in good fun. I had no more thunder myself anyway.

You still stink, ya Limey bastid. :lol: :heart:

Kyle Weiss":0rktgfze said:
Bah, it's all in good fun. I had no more thunder myself anyway.

You still stink, ya Limey bastid. :lol: :heart:

Right back at ya, ya Yank plank. :) :heart:

Cool li'l pipe, seriously. Thanks Kirk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just realized most of my pipes have cool origins, were meaningful gifts or excellent stories. The fact they aren't mere "things" and have personality, sentimental value and memories is wonderful.

PS, just to keep the crackin' wise goin', Kirk's a tosser. :lol!: (love ya anyway, brother) :p :p :p

Ah shut up ya big girls blouse.............

Luv's ya too Bruv, glad you like it my dear friend. :)