First dip into McClelland's 5100

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Ozark Wizard

Well-known member
Oct 11, 2014
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Was talked into trying this by some of the Brothers keen on Virginias, so when I made my monthly tobacco buy, got myself a half pound of McC's 5100 in bulk from, and while waiting, made a reasonable length persimmon churchwarden to dedicate it to.

The tobacco came at a perfect hydration to load and smoke, so I did.

First off, I heard a lot of buzz regarding a tomato based condimental smell in the pouch, but I couldn't detect it, a bit sweet, tangy, maybe clove scent greeted my nose. Only took one light to get me through the bowl, it was sweet, but warm on the tongue. Liked it...

Next bowl a few hours later was on my way to the feed store, so I was enclosed (I normally smoke outside), and I used my walnut poker I use for Virginia blends. It is well seasoned, so a different environment for the burn.

This changed things a bit. The smoke wasn't as warm this time, sort of gentle actually. Sweeter. Almost a touch of cinnamon and ginger muffin, yah, muffin. I like this one. I'll bet this would be on fire with a dab of Acadian Black, or Perique. It's not as bright and cheery as most of the Virginias I play with, more sultry, dark, laid back...

Gotta go, going to hit another bowl of this....
You've taken your first step into McC's Carolina Red Va heaven !! This one stands next to the other straight Red Va blend/mixture they produce in broken flake form, FM 2000. The more you smoke the Red Va's done by the folks in KC, the less you'll need any of the other stuff out there !! I smoke 2 to 3 bowls of this a day along with 3 or 4 bowls of FM 2000 and find just about ALL of my smoking needs more than satisfied !! Welcome to the "world of ketchup" as all the "experts" claim !! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
KC, eh?


Might be worth the trip. Now you throw me under the wheels of FM 2000?

If I end up liking this as well, I will hold you personally responsible, you must realize.....

Thanks for the tip
Another thing to remember, with ALL Va's, sip, sip, sip easy, easy and you'll get soo many more nuances from the 'baccy. The other thing with most Va's, try it and any flakes in a nice wide bowled POT !! This shape seems to allow the variences of flavor in this type of 'baccy to really OPEN UP IMHO. I smoke ALL my Va's in Pots and have for several decades now !! :twisted: :twisted: I had my first McC's Va back in '95 and they've NEVER dissapointed me with their 'baccy, ever !! :twisted: :twisted:
You know, I looked that place up, and it's right down the road from grandpa Ewing's place, where they play ball and stuff... Next time I go I should see if MCC's will let me in for a peek...
Wow, that would make for a great road trip. I wonder if they are open to allowing tours..
They say they are not open to tours, but as a Kauffman, I might be able to pull some strings...

We'll see. The Royals are a pretty popular team in Missouri, they might make an exception.
Ozark Wizard":k770kupb said:
I'll bet this would be on fire with a dab of Acadian Black, or Perique.  
I add a wee bit of perique.....out of this world!!!
If you're wanting to get further along the spectrum from bright and cheery to dark and sultry, try the 2035. It's great!
I just cracked into a tin of Matured Virginia 27 by McClelland which I read somewhere is the tinned version of 5100. I snagged that tin at a tobacconist in a swanky hotel in Seoul, dated from 2011.
It is my first foray into the world of McClelland virginias and I think I now know what Monbla is on about. It's awesome stuff.
I can't stop opening the tin, plunging my nose in and taking deep inhales of the sour, pungent, earthiness of it. I have to stop short of eating it. Smoking wise...burns great. Not as strong as other virginias I also enjoy like BBF and Capstan has its own thing happening with a kind of tangy sourness that I am really enjoying. It will make a fine companion for the springtime.
Kind of like when you find an author you like and then go about reading all their works, or a band you like and then hunting down all their albums...I have a feeling I am going to have to begin exploring the many offerings of McClelland. I got my eye on Anniversary, Virginia Woods and that Cajun series they have.
Psmith":6ju026ua said:
I just cracked into a tin of Matured Virginia 27 by McClelland which I read somewhere is the tinned version of 5100.  I snagged that tin at a tobacconist in a swanky hotel in Seoul, dated from 2011.  
It is my first foray into the world of McClelland virginias and I think I now know what Monbla is on about.  It's awesome stuff.  
I can't stop opening the tin, plunging my nose in and taking deep inhales of the sour, pungent, earthiness of it. I have to stop short of eating it. Smoking wise...burns great.  Not as strong as other virginias I also enjoy like BBF and Capstan has its own thing happening with a kind of tangy sourness that I am really enjoying.  It will make a fine companion for the springtime.
Kind of like when you find an author you like and then go about reading all their works, or a band you like and then hunting down all their albums...I have a feeling I am going to have to begin exploring the many offerings of McClelland.   I got my eye on Anniversary, Virginia Woods and that Cajun series they have.  
You're on your way to some enjoyable levels of smoking my friend. Another two McC's Bulks I personally smoke alot of and HIGHLY recomend would be some Fragrant Matured 2000 and 2010 Classic Virginia as well as what I feel is McC's FINEST tinned Va, Blackwoods Flake !! I probably smoke more FM 2000 followed by 5100 RC with Blackwoods Flake and Virginia woods when I'm in a tinned Va mood. McC's uses only the finest crops of Va's grown mostly in the Carolinas and from what I've learned do not use any of the African or European Va's in their blends/mixtures. There IS a difference :twisted: :twisted:
Thanks to the ravings of you fine gentlemen, I bought a pound of 5100 a month ago. My thoughts were that if l didn't like it, I could always use it for blending.

Well I opened a tin of Escudo a few days before the 5100 arrived and haven't touched it since. I'm normally a Latakia lover, but puff on a VA VA/PER once or twice a week, however, I've gone through almost half my 5100 in under 4 weeks. Just lovely stuff.

On the promise of the 5100 bulk, I ordered a few tins of Christmas Cheer, hoping for an outstanding smoke.

Cheers and merry Christmas,

Brewdude":mq11sqrw said:
Ozark Wizard":mq11sqrw said:
You will like the Christmas cheer......

nuff said

Yup. Just be sure to smoke it slowly.


As one should with ALL Red Va's to allow all the nuances of the leaf to be experienced !! :twisted:
On your next pipe weed resupply, pick up the ingredients for a 4::4::1 blend of 5100 Red Cake, 5105 Stoved Virginia, and blending Perique. (i.e., 4 oz of 5100, 4 oz of 5105, 1 oz Perique for a half pound etc) Mix 'em up good in a bowl, and then move to a jar or whatever your preferred aging vessel might be. Come back in a year or whatever with full expectations of being delighted and amazed. You're welcome.
KevinM":drcwgfo4 said:
On your next pipe weed resupply, pick up the ingredients for a 4::4::1 blend of 5100 Red Cake, 5105 Stoved Virginia, and blending Perique. (i.e., 4 oz of 5100, 4 oz of 5105, 1 oz Perique for a half pound etc)  Mix 'em up good in a bowl, and then move to a jar or whatever your preferred aging vessel might be. Come back in a year or whatever with full expectations of being delighted and amazed. You're welcome.
I could see that.........