For those of you who are retired or making the move to retirement.

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Jan 26, 2022
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What convinced you to make the move?

I keep going back and forth about retirement. Just curious as to what convinced others to retire.
For me it was a multitude of factors -

30 years in a career that had run it's course, and not being a spring chicken anymore when the physical demands of the day to day were starting to catch up with me. That, plus it was time and I could start collecting my full SS benefit as well as Medicare at age 66.


Another issue for me was that my company was finally on solid financial footing for really the first time ever in 20 years. And in accordance with that, I didn't feel like I was deserting a sinking ship. Additionally, I had started to realize that I was essentially burned out after 30 years of fighting the good fight. I was also fed up with many factors of living in the State/area I was in. Some of these I've noted in other posts so I won't belabor them here. Suffice to say I needed to not only retire but move to a final location.

All to say that I've never regretted any of those decisions. I believe I made the best and wisest choices in every case.


Stress. I retired at 56yo with nearly 32 years. I had realized after a time that I was stuck. Too much time in to change careers. And I could not get transferred to another agency with better working conditions and opportunities. Had my heart attack nearly two years later. Got one stent. I would have boosted my retirement 6% a year if working. The amount was small, so the gain was not great. I wasn't likely to get much, if any raise if I continued to work. So I retired with a 3% annual raise in retirement after one year. In addition, the state was trying to steal our retirement after having projected and agreed to the deal over the years. Fortunately the courts slapped them down and said that they must pay us in retirement what they stole from us while working. I will never be rich.

From all the hundreds of employees that worked in this state warehouse, I am only a couple of months away from being the eldest retiree still alive. And I am not yet 65yo. I also worked there over 20 years more than she did. Everyone else is dead. That's kinda a scary thought.
Several factors led me to "retire" a second time @ age 62. I had already retired from the USAF Reserves with 25 service years; at age 60 my military retirement and Tricare kicked in. I enjoyed my FAA job immensely...but a new, totally worthless boss/supervisor led me to initiate my retirement process. That plus the opportunity to become a contract instructor in my career field and the chance to set up my own private consulting gig in the same work field. I delayed SS until I was past FRA just to ensure of no income conflicts. All-in-all it's worked out just fine financially. Once you've made up your mind to do it, your brain just doesn't want you to keep working anymore!!!!!!!! FTRPLT
Got a bit less than three years till retirement time. Most days I feel I'm totally ready, but there are some days I feel like I can get s few more good years in.
My parents died young, mother (42) father (almost 60). I had a cardiac arrest at 35. My body is full of Agent Orange. I did not expect to live, as I have, into my late 70s. I carefully planned to retire at 55 and did. I had saved and invested with advice and phenomenal luck. When I retired, I made certain that when I died my wife would have no financial worries. Little did I know, she'd precede me in death. Had I known how the cards would ultimately fall, I'd have worked another 20 years.
My only hope now is that when it's time for my life to end, it's sudden, without a prolonged illness or mental deterioration. I've written previously about my uncle, who died while napping in Montgomery Ward's shoe department while waiting for the shoe salesman to bring some shoes for him to try on. I'd love to go out like that!
I've been paying through the butt for long term care insurance since I turned 50, and I hope I never collect a dime.
My late wife retired and a few months later was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer. Prior to her diagnosis we were planning on a semi-trip around the world. Without my wife, I've had little interest in much travel.
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After working for 40+ years in the judicial system as a courtroom clerk and getting to the point that retirement would pay me almost as working I decided it was time to go. I worked from the age of 21 until 62 and am happy I did retire. It has now been 16+ years since I retired and am enjoying it very much. (y)
I've been working in I.T. for 44 years and other jobs before that while in school. I'll be 68 soon. I expect to work until I'm at least 70 but I have enough saved to retire today. The company has been laying off hundreds of people at a time. I'm surprised I'm still around, knock on wood.

My boss of 17 years (we've become pretty good friends) asked me a few weeks ago when I plan to retire. Was that a hint?

I can either wait until they kick me out or retire at 70 (or later) of my own accord or I can retire before that on my own schedule. I just don't have a strong reason to trip the trigger on retirement before 70 or even after 70. I 'have it made' working from home. It's a nice gig.

I need a little more reason to retire than the flip of a coin but I expect they'll lay off my team any minute now so that I won't really have a choice. But I've been expecting a layoff for at least a year.
Spent nearly 35 years in the aviation industry. Had a good job with an FBO as head of the Inspection dept. Making 6 figures and really enjoyed my job in spite of the stress. Our charter dept had 52 a/c, 23 Gulfstreams, flying all over the world. In 2009 they downsized due to the economy, parked about half of our planes. At 63, I opted to retire. Spent the next 3 years doing private consulting then tapered off and finally quit altogether. Had saved enough to live comfortably. Never regretted my decision and now enjoying life on my terms. No getting up at 5am anymore unless I want to, lol. The last 10 years have been fun.
The first 3 years of retirement were great. The last 8 years have been hell.
Somewhat similar. I retired in 2000 and it was great. My wife was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer in 2003, died 2008 after a horrible 5 year battle with the disease.
Talked to a co-worker this morning who had recently talked with our boss. We've lasted a LOT longer than many groups but we're thinking that any day now we'll be jobless. Can't say that I'm worried. At least then I won't have to make the decision plus the severance package is pretty good.

The weather is almost right and my pond has thawed. My rods and reels are leaning against the wall in my office. I hope my bees survived the winter. I winterized the hives. The garden will be ready to work in around a month from now. I've got plenty to do.
I had reached 66 1/2 and we had lived a rather frugal life, so my younger wife and I thought we could do OK if I retired. However, there were three other, more pressing reasons that persuaded me it was time. First, I am a polio survivor (iron lung, hospital for almost a year, wheelchair and braces, multiple surgeries throughout childhood), and although I'm doing very well considering, my "cohort" doesn't have the greatest life expectancy. Second, for all my physical (and perhaps mental?!) limitations, I'm an avid backpacker and as post-polio syndrome seems the norm for us, I still have trails I haven't packed and rivers that I need to paddle before my circle is done.

But the most important reason I retired was my position at the university. I loved teaching and was always ranked among the top by my students. But four years before I retired I became department chair. Hard to admit, but this was not a skill set I excelled at. I would spend a whole weekend working on a proposal for funding or position we needed, and my fellow chairs in the college would write up theirs in an afternoon. Theirs were notably better than mine, so for the good of the department, I thought it best that I would fade out. If you have ever worked hard at something and realized others were doing it better in less time, you know the feeling.

My only advice to those retiring is to take future commitments slowly. I got bored and joined the American Red Cross, Arkansas Master Naturalists, a variety of other civic-type organizations, and recertified my state referee license. Suddenly I'm busier than when I had a paycheck coming in!

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We met with a financial advisor Monday. When we were wrapping up the meeting I asked how close we are to being ready for retirement. He said we're very ready right now. I've been sleeping better the past two nights. I may just get pissed off some day and tell my managers that I'm outa here. It's not like I need them for a reference. :D

Knowing me I'll play nice and give them plenty of notice.
We met with a financial advisor Monday. When we were wrapping up the meeting I asked how close we are to being ready for retirement. He said we're very ready right now. I've been sleeping better the past two nights. I may just get pissed off some day and tell my managers that I'm outa here. It's not like I need them for a reference. :D

Knowing me I'll play nice and give them plenty of notice.

My last job…I figure plenty of notice would be like, at lunch.

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