Eileen's was my first "good" tobacco as well. I have to say, from the first bowl of it I could tell the difference in the quality of the tobacco versus the store blends I had been smoking. I still have some of the store blend stuff left and it is amazing to switch between that and the CAO or McClelland or Peterson and notice how much better the tobacco from the established blenders is. Some people are pretty down on aromatics, but I am still a new pipe smoker as well and still trying to ease my way into the straight VAs and Burleys and Latakia blends, so having something easy to smoke like Eileen's is nice.
The gurgle happens to me pretty often and I was bothered by it at first as well, but I now stay on top of it by quickly pushing a pipe cleaning down to the bowl, twisting it a little bit, and pulling it back out. When you do this, you'll notice that it comes out pretty wet and the gurgling will stop. From what I understand, aromatics like Eileen's are much wetter than non-flavored tobaccos and as you smoke, liquid will seep out of the tobacco and collect in the bowl. I usually only do this once per bowl, and with some tobaccos it isn't necessary at all.