Had some of the "Unobtainiums" fave 'baccy

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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2012
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last week I was at an old friends house and he's been a member of the "unobtainiums" tobacco club as many Bro's are and he gave me about two ounces of one of your favs, Penzance. Being a fan of English/Balkans over the years I thought this ought to be worth a bowl or two seeing as what he and others in this club seem willing to go thru to smoke. It was already crumbled up after he put it in the baggie so I did not get to experience it "in the tin" so to speak but that was fine with me as i rub-out all my flakes prior to smoking anyway. Loaded and packed easily and took the match well and stayed lit satisfactorily. The "tin" aroma was definately one of a heavy LAt forward blend and it started out that way as well. Not much from the Orientals at first but I expected they would come in further down the bowl. But they never really made themselves known,as it settled into merely a rather one dimensional Latakia heavy blend. No real discernable sweetness from the Va base as well. It did smoke smoothly and finished with a nice dry ash and no wetness or dottle when done. I was really at a loss as to what was so fantastic about this rather flat one aspect 'baccy. I feel that one gets more variety of flavors from several other English/Balkans such as Durbar, London Mixture, Crown Achievemnet even Presbyterian are ALL MUCH more satisfying blend of this genre. I have now smoked this in 1 cob, 2 meers and now a couple of briars and am still waiting for it to open up with all folks rave about. I find it to be a decent mild Latakia forward English/Balakan but nothing really exceptional which would make me want to purchase any over my other blends of this type. JMHO :twisted: :twisted:
I always thought is was as good as any. Yawn. Love the way it crumbles. You didn't get a smouldering peat moss earthiness? :lol:
I do enjoy the hell of the stuff; but am glad I got mine way back when before the prices went screwball. I definitely would not buy it at some of today's prices :evil: There are just too many good Latweed blends available to justify the expense...in my humble opinion :cheers: FTRPLT
I really enjoy Penzance. But the end bowl smoke texture is what I can describe as sooty.

Some blends that I prefer: Peretti Royal Blend and Tashkent, Margate, Samarra, Meridian and Wilderness.
MisterE":it97j8rl said:
I think GLP Meridian would top my current production list of Latweed blends It's outa site!

I like Penzance just fine, though...if it were as available as most other brands and the price was in the same ballpark, I'd keep in on hand. As it is, I don't think it's so great that it isn't easily replaced by something similar (or, in the case of Meridian - and maybe Gaslight and/or Westminster - superior).
Well, I don't smoke Latakia anymore, but when I did, Penzance was up there near the top of my favorites. Actually, it was my number 2 blend. To me, the thing with this blend is that it was quite unique in its characteristics and provided unparalleled smoothness and creaminess. Penzance, together with Krumble Kake and Bengal Slices, constituted a class all on their own. Sure, Meridian and Durbar and London Mixture and all the other blends mentioned are very good and I can easily see how someone might like them better than Penzance. But those blends are much more easily replaceable, because there are myriads of like blends out there that can satisfy the Latakia lover just as equally or better, while there are no truly satisfactory substitutes for the P/KK/BS troika.
idbowman":ixqn5ysy said:
SpeedyPete":ixqn5ysy said:
I also love bacon and eggs.

Well...of course.
I make these pancakes with the bacon inside them, and serve the eggs on top. My son loves them pancakes. Not so much the eggs yet, but he's four.

Anyway, haven't tried the penzance yet. I know it's supposed to be great, so I am curious. I can't see it being the crowning achievement of tobacco, only because they don't produce that much of it. I think keeping the supply limited, and keeping the demand way higher is part of why it's so coveted.
Before I took my ~8 yr pipe hiatus I smoked a fair bit of Lat-forward blends. Don't specifically remember if Penzance was among them but probably was along with Dunnie 965, Bengal Slices, Balkan Sobranie, etc.

Guess I eventually arrived at an Epiphany, and came to the conclusion that after a certain point all I could taste was Latakia. And that threshold became ever smaller the more I smoked those blends. Found them to be basically all the same.

And after coming back to the pipe I still have those convictions. Heresy to some I know, but there it is. I've come out and admitted it! Perhaps I've become overly sensitive to Latakia, but it puts me off these days.

Be that as it may, at the same time I don't denigrate any piper who dotes on the stuff. We're a community of pipers with different tastes and all.

And who knows, at some point my tastes could well come full circle and embrace Lat blends once again.

Stranger things have happened!


DrumsAndBeer":gt76u7qe said:
I was watching a few Unobtanium auctions last week, as I am considering selling off some of my stash to help fund a few additions to home brewing set-up. This one blew my mind.  


It does have me wondering what an 8oz sack would fetch. Ha ha ha...
Whoever bought that at THAT price is a true member of the Unobtainium club !! The whole point is to GET the Unobtainable at ANY price :twisted: :twisted: Put that 8 ozs up for sale and you probably could get close to 1k for it if 50 g went for 131.00 $$ In the world of the Unobtainium, anything is reasonable !! :twisted: :twisted:
Wow - I might have to sell mine! :shock:

OR trade it for a bottle of Old Rip VanWinkle LOL
DrumsAndBeer":pmlhmqb6 said:
I was watching a few Unobtanium auctions last week, as I am considering selling off some of my stash to help fund a few additions to home brewing set-up. This one blew my mind.  


It does have me wondering what an 8oz sack would fetch. Ha ha ha...
I have a 2009 8 oz. mylar pouch of this stuff. At these prices it would fund my next vacation!!!! :twisted: FTRPLT
ftrplt":sdh84kpn said:
I have a 2009 8 oz. mylar pouch of this stuff. At these prices it would fund my next vacation!!!! :twisted: FTRPLT
I have a half a dozen bags in the cellar, I think it's time for that kitchen remodel. :p