How was your weather today?

Brothers of Briar

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May 4, 2011
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Awoke to 4-5" of snow. First of the season, and didn't expect it but here it is!

Had heavy rains yesterday, flood conditions in many places, and then it turned cold.........

Now down to 23F, and it won't improve for a couple days.

Not unusual for snow to come this early at my elevation - approx 1000' in the Cascade foothills. The Snoqualmie pass/ I-90 got much more.

And I'm mindful of the fact that many of our members have been hit far worse than me in the past week - Buffalo, NY comes to mind! So I'm not complaining as I still have power.

So how's the weather in your neck of the woods?



Sunny, wind out of the south up to 30mph gusts and it got up to 76 degrees ! Gonna get up to 80 degrees tommorrow and won't get above 45 on Monday with possible rain. :twisted: That's Texas! If you don't like the weather, wait a minute, it'll change !! :twisted: :twisted:
...fortunately, here in SE Tennessee we've had some very cold days mixed with some warmer days...little rain and only a few flurries...far worse conditions elsewhere and hope all brothers/sisters had a meaningful and safe Thanksgiving... :sunny:
Well, in the mornings it's been around the high 30's to 40's and warming up to around the mid 60's of late but, today it was in the 50's warming up to the low 70's. And tomorrow is suppose to be 75 degrees but, we'll see. And it has been a bit breezy here for the last two days but, it's welcomed.
Although this is probably only the calm before the storm, I expect winter will be roaring in
fairly soon now. :fpalm:
Cartaphilus":31an5baj said:
Well, in the mornings it's been around the high 30's to 40's and warming up to around the mid 60's of late but, today it was in the 50's warming up to the low 70's. And tomorrow is suppose to be 75 degrees but, we'll see. And it has been a bit breezy here for the last two days but, it's welcomed.
Although this is probably only the calm before the storm, I expect winter will be roaring in
fairly soon now. :fpalm:
Yep, was rather warm and nice today. Great day for a smoke, even if it was windy as all get out.
beardedbassguy":dss1axl6 said:
Cartaphilus":dss1axl6 said:
Well, in the mornings it's been around the high 30's to 40's and warming up to around the mid 60's of late but, today it was in the 50's warming up to the low 70's. And tomorrow is suppose to be 75 degrees but, we'll see. And it has been a bit breezy here for the last two days but, it's welcomed.
Although this is probably only the calm before the storm, I expect winter will be roaring in
fairly soon now. :fpalm:
Yep, was rather warm and nice today. Great day for a smoke, even if it was windy as all get out.
I sit on my porch that is well blocked with foliage and least till the end of Fall. ;)
Up here on the mountain we got 11 inches of snow from the nor'easter on Wednesday then the artic air came down. Got to 4 degrees last night so smoked inside....
Sunny and 77, but windy.
We went fishin'. Did lousy - way too windy - dirty water.
I got one trout that I had to measure and
a 7.5 pound redfish. My son got one nice trout.
On the chilly side the last few days for this part of the country and time of year -- below freezing at night, 40s during the day. But unlike many of the preceeding days, it was bright if breezy today instead of yet more rain. Looks like the next few days will be a rollacoaster of temps!

Just NE of Pittsburgh 20's-30's around Thanksgiving. Went up to almost 50 today, but we've had some frigid days already (low teens)! Old man winter is definitely here!
Rain, rain and more bloomin rain, got some fairly dense fog this morning which is a change of pace from the rain, well until it starts raining again of course. :|
Around 70 degrees and sunny. This is one of the few enjoyable times of year before it goes to wet and cold for a few weeks , then another week of enjoyable , then right back to our regularly scheduled months of sweltering. :D
Hermit":sun3bzoe said:
Sunny and 77, but windy.
We went fishin'.  Did lousy - way too windy - dirty water.
I got one trout that I had to measure and
a 7.5 pound redfish.  My son got one nice trout.
Where do you catch trout in Louisiana?

Unbelieveably, it was 70 degrees today here in MD . I spent it watching the Ravens game inside, the MGB sat idle (wife was decorating, I couldn't convince her to stop for a drive). Now, I'm going out in shorts to wash the car and hopefully a smoke on the patio to close the day.
Still bitterly cold here. Got up to a balmy 30F today, yet much sunshine which was welcome.

My 'hood is still a disaster as far as the roads are concerned since they don't plow them much if at all. So all the snow has been packed down and it's like driving across a frozen lake! Good thing I grew up driving in Wizz-gon-sin for 30-odd years.



I think it was 75 here today. Tomorrow is December, and it feels like May.

Ridiculous. :evil:
I'm in Lincoln Nebraska right now. Yesterday afternoon I was in short sleeves and it was around 70 degrees, this morning it was around 20 and windy. No matter where you live, that was a pretty harsh swing.
riff raff":53y58g84 said:
Hermit":53y58g84 said:
Sunny and 77, but windy.
We went fishin'.  Did lousy - way too windy - dirty water.
I got one trout that I had to measure and
a 7.5 pound redfish.  My son got one nice trout.
Where do you catch trout in Louisiana?

Unbelieveably, it was 70 degrees today here in MD . I spent it watching the Ravens game inside, the MGB sat idle (wife was decorating, I couldn't convince her to stop for a drive). Now, I'm going out in shorts to wash the car and hopefully a smoke on the patio to close the day.  
Speckled Trout.
Not what you Yankees call "Trout."  ;)
Like these:
Ah, speckled trout, gotcha!

It was so warm here, I went out and washed my car and the wife's truck in shorts.
It's been a gorgeous weekend in Orlando, though I would prefer a few degrees cooler.
Peckerheads. :evil: :evil: It was -32 Deg C this morning when I went out hunting with a foot of new snow in the last 48 hrs.

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