A week ago the Heartland was blasted by an unbelievable ice storm!! Tree limbs down, trees split in two, trees and shrubs toppled over from so much ice. Leaves were still on the trees making it much worse. Still have over 175, 000 people without electrical power, internet, and/or Wi-Fi!! We were so fortunate to keep all power, internet, heat, etc!! Been running a small B&B operation for folks needing a warm bed, meal, adult beverages, TV, and hot shower/s!! Darn near a week long slumber party!! Temps turned warm (naturally) two days later, allowing for the chain saw gangs to start cutting/trimming/and stacking wood/limbs for city to pick up! Which won't start for another three weeks while the city works out contracts for limb pickup and disposal. One of my side yards has a wall of wood waiting for the trucks, as do most all of my neighbors. Every tree in my yard received damage. Fortunately was able to get it all cleaned/cut up last week. Gonna' take at least two years for some to recover. What a mess!!