Oh, you dirty so-and-sos. To borrow from Patton (George, not John), you magnificent bastards! I was working on the other side of the state for the last three days and worked late last night. Some of the Mexican guys invited me over to drink after work, so I figured why not? I had no clients to drive, and the car didn't have to be back to the office until Monday, so I took one of my free nights at the motel. Had a fun night of slurred Spanglish and home made puerco pibil, then got up early and played a nice round of golf with one of the bosses at the mill where I was working.
Took a scenic drive home with a stop at a state park for a little hike and a swim, and again for a burger and beer at a roadhouse bar. On the home stretch I was getting pretty eager to log in here and see all the good stuff Zach got. Little did I know what was waiting for me!
To get the full effect, you need to know a bit about my living arrangements, so bear with me.
My house is split into two apartments. I have the downstairs to myself. A young couple live upstairs from me. The front door opens into a shared foyer with the staircase up to the neighbor's; to the side of the stairs is the inner door to my place. Packages get left on the front porch, or inside the outer screen door. If I find a parcel out there for my neighbors, I bring it in and leave it on the stairs for them. Likewise, if they find something of mine, they leave it by my door. My parking space is in the back alley, though, so if I'm driving I usually come in through the back door. Like today. I just got home a few minutes ago, came in, dealt with a rabbit carcass on the kitchen floor (courtesy of the cat) and went to check the mail out front...
The knucklehead upstairs had stacked my door like a dorm room prank!
So pat yourselves on the back fellas. Not only did you surprise me with unexpected gifts, but you actually managed to physically startle me by those gifts tumbling through the door at me.
I'll get to unwrapping them as taking pics right now, and get back to you soon. Just let me get the first of my thanks out. I was not expecting this at all. Those who have been hit before know how humbling this is. Really guys, thank you.