
Brothers of Briar

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Right on, all of you. Ironically, when I first discovered this stripped-down, very talented quartet a few years ago it was the first time in 7 or 8 years that I felt like going out and buying am album or two.
Just had a funny thought. Say Kyle finally decides to lurk a bit. He finds a thread with his name on it right at the top of the column. Heartwarmed, he clicks to see what the brothers are saying about him, only to find three pages of Kaplan spouting off about music and beer.
I miss Kyle.
George Kaplan":rohb52xe said:
Just had a funny thought. Say Kyle finally decides to lurk a bit. He finds a thread with his name on it right at the top of the column. Heartwarmed, he clicks to see what the brothers are saying about him, only to find three pages of Kaplan spouting off about music and beer.
I miss Kyle.
I think he'd heartily approve! :cheers:

Kyle Broflovski???
That one certainly got a giggle out of me. Welcome back George, good to hear from you again. By the way, press the link back to the normall/desktop site and you'll get BoB in its full glory instead of having to deal with the crappy mobile version.


puros_bran":3sflelaa said:
Who is Kyle?
PB, Kyle is a gentleman, a scholar, a Renaissance man, a writer who excels at premium tobacco reviews, and is also a self taught curmudgeon, with no formal training. ;)
Christ, even topics with my name in them never seem to stay on-topic. :lol:

Kyle is the uckin' fasshole who never posts anymore (why should he--13K, what more needs to be said? :lol: ) hardly lurks, and yet has a close network of brothers who still let me know when I need to pop by and check in.

The updates are these, for those who need to be caught up:

1) I'm alright. Broke, busy and stressed, but alright.

2) I moved in May, I went from a dumpy little apartment to a dumpy little house. I sit in ****** plastic chairs, enjoy my pipes once a while, throw rocks at pigeons eating my sunflowers, feed hummingbirds and live the white trash dream. It also means none of you have my new address and can't send me pipes and tobacco any more. I find that hilarious. :flower:

3) I quit one of my two cook jobs. That means I'm still catering, and happily so. Our crew jokes about how we're the "marines of culinary," because we work 15 hour shifts, set-up/tear-down entire gourmet kitchens in remote locations, feed 300 people--rain, shine, day, night, whatever. Which is why I ditched the line cook crap. I'd rather sous for fun and real work than be a food assembly robot.

4) I'm trying desperately to get the mining project I was once working on from folding under. Investors are clutching their coinpurses tightly and that means no work for guys like me. Same old story, as it has been in the industry for hundreds of years. It'll be the last project I likely ever work on because my father is getting too old to do this ****, and it's our last hurrah. Send some investors my way. Not kidding. We don't need much.

5) In lieu of the line cook job, I was recently hired at the Tinder Box in Reno. Job openings there are rare, as it's a sweet gig. I jumped at the opportunity. 25 hours a week, in and amongst catering, I peddle cigars, refurbish pipes, fill bags of tobacco to happy pipe customers, old and new. It's a far cry of the stress of a cook's line, and the clientele are wonderful, grouchy, intelligent and occasionally have good taste. I get free stuff to try, take home a can of GL Pease each week, and on slow days even watch a baseball game with a stick or briar in my hand. Same pay as a cook, different world. I'm diggin' it. While I humbly and perhaps incorrectly don't consider myself a "tobacconist" or even an "expert" quite yet, I'm the next best thing. I have all of you to thank for that--the debates, jokes, learning, experience, bombs, samples and techniques gave me a job. 13,000 posts written and even more read--not wasted, I guess.

That's it on this end, until next I post. I'll leave the thread back to George again. :cheers:


Much love, bros.

So Kyle, is it safe to assume that you consider the BoB forums a tobacco university of sorts?

Congrats on your new job, I think I might possibly be a little envious of a guy who gets to take home a free tin of GL Pease every week. Heck, some months, that equates to 5 tins!

I wouldn't let losing a few sunflower seeds bother me. Your pigeons don't have a thing on Rande's bat's and wasps. At least your pigeons are outside the house! :lol:
F you Kyle. Freakin fry cook and tobacco pusher. You're broke, busy and stressed, well who the hell isn't,,,quit yer bitchin you post whore desert rat.

Glad you're alive and living the dream. I have some old moldy Virginia to send your way but it's probably not up to Tinderbox standards so I'll donate it to a fungus research lab.

Hang in there and drop by once in a while when you have the time,,,I know throwing rocks at pigeons is time consuming.

Take care brother, don't be a stranger, Mark
Could be worse, could be hiking with the Donner party............

Fish the Trukee by Circus Circus, at the top end of the road. Drift into the underpass and strike....

Go to Aunt Sticky's and eat good barbeque. Peddle your cigars. Look up at the hills around.

At least your close enough to hell to see Sparks, eh?
EF you Kyle. EF you, lovingly, right in the eye.

(Man, posting without emoticons makes me sound more deadpan that usual. Or autistic. Or just a dick. You should try it.)
Kyle Weiss":n48bdbyl said:
25 hours a week, in and amongst catering, I peddle cigars, refurbish pipes, fill bags of tobacco to happy pipe customers, old and new.   It's a far cry of the stress of a cook's line, and the clientele are wonderful, grouchy, intelligent and occasionally have good taste.   I get free stuff to try, take home a can of GL Pease each week, and on slow days even watch a baseball game with a stick or briar in my hand.
Sounds pretty much ideal! I like your description of the customers.
'bout time you showed up here Kyle. Glad you could share a few moments to catch us up with your happenings. The TB gig seems pretty sweet, right up your alley that one is. And while the pay may not be great the perks seem good - who would turn down a free tin a week!

Hope you can find time to go slumming with us again soon. Always a pleasure!



With tobacco prices steadily on the rise a tin a week may be more than minimum wage. Lol.
Great to hear you're doing well Kyle, sounds like you've been busy changing life's gears. Lucky bastidge working in a BnM, I'd give my eye teeth to have a semi decent tobacconist anywhere within five hours drive of where I live, the last decent one shutdown last year.

The commando cooking sounds like fun too.

Keep having fun mate and don't forget about us.


Dang now I've just about seen it all. George and Kyle in the same day!!!!! Just waiting for Rob now. Oh and it's great to see both of you miserable bastards. Love you both