
Brothers of Briar

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Ah, yeah... forgot to mention...

...started writing for in March!  

It's been interesting, I've had to take my op-ed style of blog writing and combine it with semi-sane focus on tobacco.  I'm not sure some of the crew over there (those not Bob-affiliated, anyway) have much to go on besides me just jumping in and rambling as I do...

...but do what I do, I do...

The good news is, I'm alive and...well as can be under the circumstances.  I'm a fighter, y'all know that.  Even in a **** storm I have bread and am making sandwiches.  I'm too damn stubborn, but I have a good heart.   It also means you can regularly read up on what is on my mind once monthly over there.

The bad news is, I'm likely not going to be doing reviews or thoughts on tobacco over here or anywhere else besides  

I miss you guys, but I'm still busy as hell.  There's even talk about me getting back out in the field to kick rocks for geology again--one of my main projects is firing up again.  So that's great!  Personal life has gone to hell, I'm finding myself adapting after becoming single after 13 years of something that only resembled a one-sided "love" and was dragging me down.  I've made some other changes in my life such as getting even healthier, weighing about 165 and have more energy and "go-gettum" than I have in years. I'm getting counseling for my ASD.  I look good, feel good and am learning more about how to live rather than just survive.

That's it from the all have always been good to me and I cannot thank you enough.   To read there's still you folks wondering how I am is fantastic.  

8) 8) 8) 8)
Kyle Weiss":5sg3rji2 said:
Ah, yeah... forgot to mention...

...started writing for in March!  

It's been interesting, I've had to take my op-ed style of blog writing and combine it with semi-sane focus on tobacco.  I'm not sure some of the crew over there (those not Bob-affiliated, anyway) have much to go on besides me just jumping in and rambling as I do...

I've made some other changes in my life such as getting even healthier, weighing about 165 and have more energy and "go-gettum" than I have in years. I'm getting counseling for my ASD.  I look good, feel good and am learning more about how to live rather than just survive.
Way to go Kyle.

I'm not sure if we've ever exchanged posts on the BoB as I'm a relative Newby. I know you're thought very highly of by the chaps on here.

Congrats on your new role Kyle. Looks like you're off to a flying start.
Help me out guys,,,I seem to remember a Kyle but he didn't post very much.

Pain in the ass mostly and added to the curmudgeon factor on the board.

I hope your desert rat job pans out for you, seems you're happiest kicking rocks while surrounded with buzzards, lizards and snakes.

Glad to hear you're still in one piece, don't get any be a stranger and stop in once in a while.

Take care, and stay healthy.
Good to hear from you, Kyle!  I hope things continue to pick up for you

PS -- liked the review
Haha, thanks guys.  

The reviews are going well, getting lots of praise. The forum guys over at pipesmagazine are sometimes bit confused and grumbling by me rushing headlong gonzo-style and... TYPING STUFF... but then I never did that.  Ever.  They'll get used to me.  Staying on topic, though... whew. :albino:

Buzzards, lizards and snakes, you say?  You mean I get to hang out with them in person and not just posting amongst them on BoB?  They/you are my people, after all...  :lol:

...especially PeeB...that fald bucking sonofagun...  :heart:'s he been?  

Stick":7ah5swr6 said:
I'm a relative Newby.
Negative, you seem like you've been here from the start.
Kyle on the other hand can't decide if he belongs to BoB or not...
Post 800 times a day for a couple years and then just vanishes.
Then he decides to parade his happy ass in every now and then for an ego stroke. Pretty douchey.. Eff you Kyle.
And since I wasted time reading what you call a review..

A review of the review..

It sucks. I'm not sure if it's about hipsters, hats, or Crowley. It reminded me of Lane tobacco, it fills the space but there's just nothing of value in it.
...from a guy who never learned to read, I'm good with that review of my review... :lol: Miss you, sweetie.

Enjoying a heavy perique blend? :scratch:

Either your tastes have changed or they only allow for glowing reviews... :?: :?: :?:
Glad to hear you are ok. Hope things keep going well for you. MIKE
DrumsAndBeer":knm1x16y said:
Enjoying a heavy perique blend? :scratch:

Either your tastes have changed or they only allow for glowing reviews... :?: :?: :?:
Of which tobacco do you speak?

SPUD 15":knm1x16y said:
Glad to hear you are ok. Hope things keep going well for you. MIKE
Hey there Mike. :D I still have my ammo-case tamper--I let people use it but tell them it's a training tamper: that it's still filled with powder and primers, if you tamp too much, it blows up. Heh.
Kyle Weiss":cvej2lay said:
SPUD 15":cvej2lay said:
Glad to hear you are ok. Hope things keep going well for you. MIKE
Hey there Mike.  :D  I still have my ammo-case tamper--I let people use it but tell them it's a training tamper:  that it's still filled with powder and primers, if you tamp too much, it blows up.  Heh.  

I use mine almost daily. I have it and a $3 drug store tamper. I've lost all the rest.
I've been enjoying reading your reviews over at PM Kyle, I quite like your writing style, good for a giggle mate.


DrumsAndBeer":4qfcj7yp said:
Kyle Weiss":4qfcj7yp said:
Of which tobacco do you speak?
I just remember you have an aversion to perique.
Ah... yes.  I still kind of do, though I think I even mentioned in a review I am finding it harder and harder to find new tobacco that doesn't have a little Perique in it.  The story on that goes, Hal'O'The'Wynd had a little bit, and that was okay.  Greg released Sixpence, and when I said I liked the unmarked sample he gave me, he laughed at me for a while.  Elizabethan Mixture, while I found it boring as hell, even leaning toward unpleasant, did do Perique in a manner I found at least somewhat palatable.  

What does this mean?  I'm warming up to very low-doses of Perique, it seems.  Escudo, Triple Play, Briar Fox etc. etc. still leave me none too happy.   So perhaps my tastes have changed.   It's not a good idea to try to publish words like "...this tobacco ******' sucks;" Kevin G would probably not approve, and I'm not a very good sycophant.  So any critical reviews I find benefit from a balance of finding good points (if there are any) and explaining the bad ones rationally.  One day I'll probably be faced with a tobacco that I couldn't find any redeeming qualities, and I'll have to be honest and take that in stride.  What is nice is I get to choose what I review, but I suspect at some point there may be a request for me to tackle something I didn't choose myself.  

Peeb":4qfcj7yp said:
I use mine almost daily. I have it and a $3 drug store tamper. I've lost all the rest.
That's my story, too.  I have these shells that I found in the desert that I believe were training blanks, but they fit the scoop-end of an aluminum pipe nail nearly perfect.  Thinking about hybridizing the two for fun.  I'll send you one if/when I get around to it.

Timbo: Thanks man! :)
