I tried to "fix" my Dandy Candy by melting it in its tin on the coffee maker. Now I've got a shrunken block of hard candle wax rattling around in the tin. How can they get away with selling this stuff? This knocks Stachebomb off the bottom of the list for me.
I wanted to like Fisticuffs. I like the slider style pocket tins, and its one of the few that offer a Bay Rum scent, and hey, free zombie pirate sticker. It just doesn't have any hold.
Fisticuffs Stronghold is better, for a medium hold, but the "citrus" scent makes me nauseous. It smells like artificial powdered lemonade drink mix. More specifically, it's a fist sized lump of lemonade mix, hard as quartz, rattling around in its cardboard can in a refugee camp outside of Knoxville Tennessee in the summer of 82.
To be fair, it wasn't a refugee camp, but a campground. To really fair, it was a parking lot, not a campground. Dad thought it would be fun to camp out and go to the World's Fair. So did about 8,000 other people crammed into a treeless acre of gravel on the edge of town, with weather alternating between blazing sun and pouring rain. Plus it was Knoxville, which somehow makes everything worse. I was 20 the next time I was back. Went to an Aerosmith concert and left with crablice. So ef Knoxville and ef Fisticuffs for making me think of Knoxville. Your mileage may vary.
Fisticuffs: for people who never got crabs in Knoxville.
That reminds me, I miss Beelejazz.