Marlin 1895 Guide Gun (45/70)

Brothers of Briar

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brentona":26neb6l8 said:
Ouch $830 plus import to your carrier say a base charge (generally) $50.
Grand total $900+ after tax

To me it would be cheaper to buy things separate and make it.
My 1895gs was $600, the big style loops you can get for about $65 online and the upper rail system with the ghost style sights can be purchased online for $175 I do believe, just my two cents that's all!
The stainless and laminate model is the same price as walnut and stainless. Shop around a little before hopping on that one mate!!

Yup, I would agree except a close friend runs a gun/sporting goods shop and I get it at his price.,,, :D :D

I have the same one you have. I just shot it last week to make sure it was still on. I have a Nikon scope on it. I have killed hogs and deer with it and have never had to trail anything. I love it!
I'd love to get my hands on one of these. I went deer hunting for the first time last year and loved it. I was using a loaner rifle in .243 Win. It did its job and dropped the deer but man did it do a number on the meat. I am leaning more to the slow and heavy bullet theory for my first deer rifle. . .
Thought I had an SBL traded for, this morning. Some SOB sneaked in and bought it while I was trying to work a trade over the phone. Dirty DOG! Now, I've got to wait a week...more.
This is a Marlin 336 I tweaked for hog hunting. .35 Remington, Leupold Scout Scope, barrel shortened to 16.5"


That short, stiff barrel is pretty accurate with factory ammo, I was quite surprised, I'm not that good a shot.....

I am a Marlin enthusiast, I collect them and customize them. 45/70 is my favorite caliber.

Here is my guide gun, I have done extensive internal work, polishing everything and smoothing up the action. I also cut a dovetail and modified a magazine tube from a longer barreled version to add 2 extra rounds of capacity.


I also have a longer barreled one that I have put a huge 30 inch octagon barrel on. The barrel started life as a Taylor Arms Company Sharps Rifle, but a single shot is not my style. The scope I on there until I receive my long range sight.


Side by side picture for sizing reference.


The big problem with buying a Marlin, now, is that Marlin is gone! Some call it Remlin, other nicknames are available, and the quality control is awful. I got lucky. I bought an SBL and everything works fine. That can't be said for many of the guns being produced by Marlins. If you are Marlin shopping, look for a used, or older NOS, rifle. Remington is, apparently, out to destroy the Marlin name.
There has been a lot of complaints about Marlin quality since Remington took over, but my SBL came through in great shape, no feeding problems or cosmetic issues. Leverevolution 325 gr group in 1 1/2 inch/100 yds so I'm real happy. Checking out Leupold 1-4x 28mm scout scope to mount on it. 90% of my shots are between 20 and 65 yds so the ghost ring would suffice, and I'm not red dot savvy but we'll give the scope a chance.

Nice work modifying your guns to fit your needs guys. One shortened, one looooong barreled. The mag extension is a great plus.

This is my first lever, now I understand.
I was noticing the long mag tube too. I like the work. I tinker with some old bummed up guns. Wish I had a laithe to do some barrel work.
My 336 in 30-30
1895 in 44 mag. The 44 is a sweet, rifle packs quite a punch with the 44 mag out of a long barrel. More than the pistols.
[/quote]Only limitation with lever guns is the poor choice of good bullets for them. [/quote]

Check out hornandy leverloution they have made great leaps in ammo for the leveraction. A well place 30.30 will drop a boar NP I would personally go for a double lung shot in and out. But yea a 45/70 can drop a grizz, or kodiak so I know it will drop a boar
I use to hunt boar with a old winchester 38-40. It would drop em where they stood.

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