My Kirsten

Brothers of Briar

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I have two left that are rusticated straights and they are stamped "J" and I got a meer bowl and a smooth ball shape looks older and they are both stamped "G"
I have two rusticated ones left but one is spoken for , I have a straight one with a rhodesian style bowl and a straight with a ball shape bowl, But Drums and beer hasnt picked one yet so I don't know what is left..
The rusticated ball shape is the only rusticated one I have left
Eagle has landed.

I have the Kirsten in hand (in mouth actually). I scrubbed it up with Everclear and pipe cleaners. Bowl screwed off no problem. The plumbing valve was easy to get out by hand. Mine was extremely clean. There is some cake and no identifiable odor to the bowl. There are no o-rings on mine.

I loaded it up with Louisiana Red, and am smoking it now. It smokes like Louisiana Red - lots of experience there. You can hear the air rushing through all those metal holes, but a very pleasant smoke so far.

I got mine too. Half hour clean up, looks like a new pipe. Alchohol scrubbing, reamed & cleaned bowl, ready to go. Mine is a J series ( will have to research that) with o rings and (appears to be) acrylic mouthpiece :D  maiden voyage tonight or tomorrow morning.

I never did get a reply to my email to Kirsten, will have to call the retail tobacco store and see if they have any info. I'd like to get a couple more bowls, extra o rings, etc..
cool glad to hear you all are diggin the Kirstens, now I got to clean up that cavalier and give it a go too!
I am liking mine. I read on the Kirsten web site that you are supposed to really pack the tobacco in that bowl. "Compress the charge as tightly as possible with the thumb." I have tried this, and it actually seems to work - perhaps due to the taper in the bowl. This is with H&H Old Companion - ribbon cut and pretty dry. Who knows?

This has been a good one. I am now four bowls into the Kirsten experience. I am giving it a rest and smoking some Plumcake in a Vauen "p-lip" bulldog.
I have cleaned mine and am set to try it out tomorrow.

I do not think that they reply to E mails. You need to call them.

Below is a breakdown of the letter designation for Kirsten pipes.

Got mine all cleaned and prettied up, now am I gona smoke it? Hell no! and dirty it all up, not on a bet.

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I knew you make that one look brand new Ron, you have awesome restoration talent
and you should offer your talent!
BigCasino":zj565tnu said:
I knew you make that one look brand new Ron, you have awesome restoration talent
and you should offer your talent!
Thank you sir, your too kind.
Well, I reckon I could always use the extra money but, I feel a little weird advertising.
I have one customer but, I reckon I could always use a few more. It's just that I'm really not that comfortable about my skills yet. Maybe too much of a perfectionist.
Well I know there isn't one thing I wouldn't trust you to restore for me, everything I have seen that you restored looks immaculate.
BigCasino":htdqleyq said:
Well I know there isn't one  thing I wouldn't trust you to restore for me,  everything I have seen that you restored looks immaculate.
Thank you again sir.
Now, where's that hat band stretcher?
FWIW, I called the shop. I had emailed and got no response. After getting the pipe, I thought I might buy a spare larger bowl and one of the old meerschaum bowls. I got a nice guy on the phone who said they have nothing to sell for the Kirstens right now. They are wanting to get the factory back up again, and they have nothing in stock. I asked if he could tell me how to figure out the size bowl on my current pipe, and he said he couldn't really. There was just too much variety.

He said I could call back in a couple of months.
thats a shame I hope they get themselves going again, I wish I had extra bowls , but all I have go with pipes, and thanks to all of you my collections is down from 13 to 3 Thanks to everyone and I hope you all like them, and that they smoke well
Apparently I got dragged into this little experiment, as I got a surprise in my mailbox.

Thanks, BC!

I'll have to clean it up and post a few pictures myself, but I have to admit, it does look like a classy fella's dope pipe. :lol:

Will it smoke to any satisfaction? Range report to follow. I'll do anything at least once.
