beebiz":gj60e0j4 said:
Alright... I don't have a picture of her with a pipe in her hands or in her mouth. But, she was definitely a pipe smoker! Who is she???
I see no on had even attempted a guess. So, I'll explain....
I posted a picture of this lady because she was a fellow Tennessean... a pipe smoker... and a First Lady! Her name... Rachel Jackson... beloved wife of President Andrew Jackson!!
The part about her pipe smoking is true. The pipe smoking, her less than eloquent speech, and the horrid, lewd accusations that were hurled at her by the John Quincy Adams camp during the presidential campaign caused her to initially refuse to go to Washington for Andy's inauguration. She feared that she might be an embarrassment to her President Elect husband.
It was only on the heels of the dogged persistent begging and pleading of her friends that she consented to going and went on a clothes shopping spree to prepare for the Tennessee to Washington jaunt and event. Sadly, on December 22, 1828... only four days over two months before his first inauguration... Andy's beloved Rachel died. It has been said that because of his deep love and adoration for Rachel, her death caused Old Hickory to say for a short time that he simply could not take on the position of President of the United States. But, he was sworn in as President on March 4, 1829. And, he served two consecutive terms.
Interesting side note... the mostly unfounded personal attacks against Rachel's character by the Adams camp in a bid to win the White House has caused the 1828 presidential campaign to be touted "one of the foulest presidential campaigns in American history!" And, knowing his temper and admiration for Rachel, I am thoroughly surprised that Old Hickory didn't challenge John Adams to a duel in defense of his wife's honor!!
Now we've had our history lesson for the day!!