bluedigital":b1b5pmw1 said:
Beebiz ... can't sleep my man? What's up?
BD, I have advanced stage
Peripheral neuropathy. It is nerve damage and is one of the many
marvelous side-effect of my diabetes.
In addition to the severe constipation (yes, Valky... I already knew I was full of it
) and other "pale in comparison" problems that the Peripheral neuropathy causes, I have horrendous pain in my feet and legs. But, the most severe, intense, and intolerable pain is in my feet.
Though my feet are so numb that I wouldn't feel it if you were to skewer them with an ice pick and roast them over an open pit, they hurt and burn horribly. It doesn't make sense to me... but, it's true!
From my waist down, I constantly feel as though I'm standing in a vat of hot grease. I've learned to deal with that. But, at night my feet begin getting this additional sensation. It is almost as if high voltage were being quickly and repeatedly passed through them.
Then, there's the knuckle of the big toe on my right foot... the knuckle that attaches the toe to the foot. It gets this sensation of laying on an anvil and being struck quickly and repeatedly with a hammer! The bigger the hammer, the more intense the pain is. The pain is quite excruciating! And, when my big toe makes it to the sledge hammer stage, I all but lose my mind!! This usually happens an average of three to seven nights a week.
The meds that the doctors give me seem to do little for the pain. I've spent many nights holding my foot to my chest, squeezing it and hitting it with my fist as I weep from pain. The pain is so intense that I have taken enough drugs to knock the average man on his butt for a couple days; only to still be wide awake and sobbing 6 or 7 hours later. It is one of the leading causes of accidental overdose (behind insulin overdose) in diabetics. So, my wife watches me with an eagle's eye when I get that bad off!
I'm not looking for sympathy... just stating fact! It is no fun!! And, I wouldn't wish it on the worst of my enemies!!!
Couple that with the fact that I can't seem to turn off the possible scenarios concerning Linda and her problems that my mind constantly runs over and over... and, I don't sleep much!! I will be soooooo glad when that heart cath is done!! I can deal with most anything... as long as I know for sure what I am to deal with. But, I don't sit in the dark very well...
at all!!!
That's all! I'm sorry it was so lengthy... but, you asked! And, I thank you for caring enough to do so!!!
Now... let's all get naked and run through a field of brambles!!! :affraid: :affraid: :affraid:
:lol!: :lol!: :lol!: :lol!: :lol!: