monbla said, on smoking 1792 in a smoke shop:
The owner of the shop asked us to stop smoking it in his shop as he was afraid his HVAC system would keep the aroma and not be pleasant to others coming in. My friend was very dissapointed in it and all in all it was not a pleasant experience for any of us last night! Now I need to do a salt treatment with my GBD Century bulldog I tried it in!! For all you folks who like it, I'm sorry but I have to dissagree and for me, this has to be the WORST excuse for a tobacco blend! I've tried it, 'nugh said.
This excerpt says so many things so very well:
Smokeshop guy said put it out.
Friend who had ordered the tobacco was grievously disappointed.
One bowl and monbla is headed for the salt treatment, worried about the ghost.
WORST excuse for a tobacco blend.
Sometimes I've got to wonder if blenders pull a recipe out of their heads, and no matter how well it does, stick with it. I wonder if they think that if they keep it in the marketplace long enough, someone will like it; and like the power of the internet to make anyone famous if they post some alluring Hollywood crap and just leave it there accumulating hits, pipe smokers will hit on the tobacco, and over time become enamored of it because, it's tobacco, and we're tobacco fiends
But the above does not apply to my current favoring of 1792. I tried it 10 years ago for the first time, my mentor telling me it was very strong. I smoked some on the way home and thought it very formidable and very odd. He'd given me the tin so I continued to smoke it, liking it, but not enough to buy more. I smoked it on and off over the next seven years with the same reaction. But about three years ago it bit. I'd hit it enough so that it bit, holding me, bring me back again and again. I seem unable to buy tobacco in less than a pound unit, and for about two years, somewhere in there, I played frustrated tag with SG as what I bought was 1792 without the nicotine. I had similar battles with Bracken Flake and FVF. I went as far as to buy a pound of Cob Plug to get the HO version but failed. I gave up and discontinued smoking it. The 1792 I liked was an HO. But I couldn't stay away and bought another pound about 18 months ago, and got the real deal.
At this point I find that I like the flavoring very much; it is the only cased tobacco that I smoke. There was a meeting of the mind of tonquin with my taster. My take has changed again so that now, though of course the tonquin dominates, I also get many subflavors that I would describe as both frilly and dowdy, master tobacco descriptor that I am
I feel that I've laid in enough HOs until I croak, 44 pounds Dark Flake (if Rich ever gets the last 12 pounds), 19 pounds 1792 and 8 pounds ODF, maybe another 8 soon. I couldn't imagine being without 1792, oddball Lakeland that it is, and proud of it!