1 [12:04 am]
EC Outlaw assumes I'm being cunning and hiding targets together, to thwart me he goes for I5... that's a miss!
2 [12:06 am]
Gravel goes to bomb D9... I'm afraid there's no prize for you there,
denied! What? That's a miss.
3 [12:06 am]
DrT999 strikes a blow in I2 to destroy the first factory! That's a hit and a kill Doc, congrats!
4 [12:08 am] Sorry
Scotties22, your apprehension was correct, B6 is another miss.
5 [12:10 am]
I.keenum launches a vicious strike on A6, sadly that's a miss.
6 [12:11 am]
taharris lines up on K5 and earns himself a big red hit!
7 [12:13 am]
Blackhorse, changing tactics, goes for K5 too. Seeing the rampant destruction, he redirects to D9 which is also still smoking from Gravels last visit. Keeping his composure, the Commander redirects to L11… hit and kill on 2square bunker complex! Congrats BH!
8 [12:21 am]
GrampaGrossbart aims towards central Paris for mayhem in G4. It's a miss, but at least we don't have those beret wearing fops at the Espace Fondation to worry about anymore.
9 [12:41 am]
Fishfuzz also likes K5 which has now been targeted three times. He redirects to F7 for a hit! Well done sir.
10 [12:59 am]
Dave_In_Philly makes K5 his first choice of destination also, the piles of rubble must be so nice this time of year. He redirects to I2 which was killed by Doc earlier. For his next redirect he pulls K12 out of his hat… that's a miss.
11 [1:06 am]
idbowman tries for A6, previously I.Keenum's territory, and is forced to redirect to A7 for a miss.
12 [1:08 am]
Rob_In_MO bombs J5 for a hit and kill on a 3square manufacturing plant, all hail the empire!
13 [1:09 am]
kaiser83 tries for D9 but has to redirect to C8. Still, that's not too bad, it's a hit and kill on 2square bunker complex!
14 [1:53 am]
Roogles shakes off his unlucky experience from yesterday and goes without any redirection to F9! Brilliant work sir! That's a miss.
15 [3:03 am]
zjgilbert goes for D11, the square adjacent to the very dead Capricious. Come on now ZJ, would I really put them both together? Well, I might I suppose. That's a miss.
16 [3:08 am]
Sloppy Joe Hemingway clears congestion at the H12 'Nation' monument and permanently closes no less than 13 roads with one bomb. All good stuff, but that's a miss.
17 [6:37 am]
George Kaplan takes F1 out of the equation with an 'A for effort' miss. As per his personal request for additional ammunition to hit the out-of-play area at E0, granted. There goes the Eiffel tower guys! It's as though Michael Bay is some kind of prophet…
Bombs deployed: 17
Missed: 11
Hit: 6
Targets Eliminated: 4
Coordinate backups used: 7
Day 4 was a day of carnage with the most hits so far, and kills going to DrT999, Blackhorse, Rob and Kaiser! Good work guys! You know the drill, no more bombing for you now ect ect. Two small prizes (and Destiny) still await the squadron, but the net is closing in…
The target board currently stands as follows:
Day 5 Bombing is now open, good Luck!