Having started in the 60's, my 150+ pipe assortment started with GBDs, Comoys, Savinellis, Sasienis, BBBs, Barlings, a few Charatans, numerous seconds of all the aforementioned, and a bunch of Meers (thanx to my all-expense paid travel coutesy of my Uncle Sam!!). Working in a good pipe shop in the 60's didn't help either!! Later I got into pre-1970 Dunhills, older Sasienis, Caminettos (early, gold moustache), Castello, Loewe, old/4-stinger Kaywoodies, Ser Jacopo (coral dots), better Comoys (Blue Riband, Royal Comoy, etc.), Don Carlos, Ashton, Ferndown, Upshall, and old (real old!) BBBs, GBDs, Meers, amber-stemmed pipes, etc. I have an eclectic group; tending toward very "English" traditional shapes. Sizes range from Group 2/3 to 6/ODA. I tend to like'em larger. And, yes, I have several "yard pipes" and a few Danish/freehand-style pipes, plus the usual assortment of clay, olivewood, cherrywood, corncobs, maples, and applewoods!! My most cherished pipe is my great grand-fathers hand-made cherrywood poker. A large pipe with thick walls, fully 3-31/2" across the bowl, with a 15+" arched, hand-drilled stem!! I love smoking this big ol' boy!! Lately I have been picking up the occasional Tinsky, a Curt Rollar handmade, a Tim West, Elliott Nachwalter (superb briar), a Colin Fromme handmade Castleford (a smoking beauty) as examples. Problem is, I see more I want!!!!!!!!!!!! And you people do not help by pointing out more sites for me to look at!!! I can resist anything but temptation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FTRPLT