
Brothers of Briar

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Puff Daddy":jmr3o3nt said:
Cats are the reason our economy tanked, our military has depleted itself in unnecessary overseas wars, and our social morality has hit an all time low. Voting for dogs will restore balance and integrity to our great nation and bring our economy back from the brink.
Dogs - heck no.

In this upcoming election year, I think we all know the obvious choice here.

We need an Emperor a Strong and Just Ruler President - A person of Significance, of Conscience, a Demonstrated Leader, and a man that takes Crap from no one!

Nations of the world will bow to him us!

All wars will end.

Peace and order will be restored to the planet.

This November, vote for the logical choice!


I cant put my finger on it, but there's something about the direction this thread is headed which makes me uneasy.
Greyson":6d5bdywr said:
I cant put my finger on it, but there's something about the direction this thread is headed which makes me uneasy.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/WW1h4iKeMZ0" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" loading="lazy" allowfullscreen></iframe>
* Straight-grained kittens.

* Straight-grained elections.

* Straight-grained Palpatine.

PS, you can keep your radicchio, I have a lemon basil and arugula mix that says your greens suck.

Yeah. There was a time when insisting on the universal applicability of the "I'm OK, You're OK, He's OK too" trip was at it's height when things hit the wall with a few guys blowing and gassing about how they ONLY smoked high-three and four-figure $ pipes, and ONLY the finest, aged tobaccos in them.

The disinclination of some of us to regard them as impossibly cool hurt their feelings, so somebody created their own little playhouse for them where they could strut & preen for each other without the commoners laughing at them.

They got tired and quit after a while.

If someone or a group of people want to Collect High-Dollar pipes and smoke only the best tobaccos, that's fine. They should be able to discuss that without interference.

Who am I to criticize them for what they do? At the same time, who are they to look down on me for smoking Lane Bulks out of a MM Cob.

I have no problem with Elite anything, as I can do my thing while they can do theirs. There is no reason we all can't co-exist, especially here on this board.

Those solely in it for the attention will lose attention, bet bored, and move on. Those that are serious about Top-Of-The-Line Pipes and Tobaccos will continue on. I see no problem here.

Right now I can't afford High-End Pipes and I'm happy with my Tobacco selections, but I'm not going to class someone else because of their budgets and choices.

If someone wants to smoke Carter Hall out of a MM Pony and someone else wants to smoke 15-year Aged Virginia UltraMegaBlend out of a $4000 Lane-Era Charatan Royal Achievement - then it shouldn't matter. Each is smoking what they enjoy and both are having a good time, and neither expense nor quality is not an issue.

I was talking to a friend of mine tonight, and he was asking general questions about pipesmoking. He asked if pipes used filters, and apparently I took a mildly elitist tone and said something like 'Well... you can get pipes with filters, but we pipe smokers generally don't approve of them.' and he fell about laughing. To him the idea that within pipe smoking there could be an elite or a purist or a uncouth pipe smoker was hilarious, and to be honest, I pretty much agree with him.

If people enjoy what they do with modest pipes and tobacco, to me their opinions are as equally valid and valuable as somebody who spends tens of thousands on it. I'm here for the free exchange of ideas and friendship that seem to lend themselves to this hobby, and particularly in this community. The only time I could see myself being offended is if somebody took the stance that my wallet was the yardstick by which they judged me. But then, that would say a whole lot more about them than it would about me.

Rob_In_MO":z5rf6f6r said:
Right now I can't afford High-End Pipes and I'm happy with my Tobacco selections, but I'm not going to class someone else because of their budgets and choices.
100% agree. Kudos Rob
Greyson":tu0ovok4 said:
I cant put my finger on it, but there's something about the direction this thread is headed which makes me uneasy.
You keep that finger of yours to yourself, sir!

To add a little more mania to this thread (but keep it pipe-centric), I've always wished I was born in an era where a man could walk into a classy joint, sit down with friends, light up a cigar or pipe with a glass of whisky, Scotch or rum, enjoy a perfectly prepared ribeye with potatoes (maybe some asparagus) and converse the evening away. Too bad such places are extinct or headed that way. Oh, and I have cats, not kittens, but you're welcome to them if I get home and they've shredded my copy of True West magazine again. :scratch:
Good morning gents!

Having a parfait of Lane 1Q and Borkum Riff Whiskey flavor in an !varsson. Folgers instant decaf on the side. Yeah, baby, livin' large. :king:
Hey, Sas' special mixture of #79 and BR will be here soon, and I have just the Brylon pipe to put it in! :D

Kyle Weiss":7o17gwof said:
Hey, Sas' special mixture of #79 and BR will be here soon, and I have just the Brylon pipe to put it in! :D

That particular melange seems to really hum in pressed meerschum pipes. Brylon interacts too much with the tobacco. It's good, but not what it can be. The finest preesed meeschaum can really coax the subtleties out like no other material can. IMHO, naturally.
Too true, too true. I suppose I can come out with my secret, now: My press-meerschaum lined cedarwood bowl. It keeps the moths away, and the wrought-iron stinger really removes the moisture before it gets to the 9mm filter (which, I never change, that's where the magic happens). Divine.

That kiwi seems slower than our fast-paced runnin' model we sport here at BoB, but I'll forgive him.

Rob_In_MO":hv5hbqck said:
If someone or a group of people want to Collect High-Dollar pipes and smoke only the best tobaccos, that's fine. They should be able to discuss that without interference.

Who am I to criticize them for what they do? At the same time, who are they to look down on me for smoking Lane Bulks out of a MM Cob.

I have no problem with Elite anything, as I can do my thing while they can do theirs. There is no reason we all can't co-exist, especially here on this board.

Those solely in it for the attention will lose attention, bet bored, and move on. Those that are serious about Top-Of-The-Line Pipes and Tobaccos will continue on. I see no problem here.
You smoke Lane? *turns up his nose*

I kid, I kid. It's interesting, this has come up again on several forums it seems and a lot of people are sounding the cry of equality. We're all pipe smokers and we all love our pipes and tobaccos. There are those who would stand up with their S. Bang and claim that they're better than someone else for it or that they deserve tons of attention because of it and that mentality is the kind that I believe we can all agree is unwelcome.

I agree with you, Rob. This is a fun hobby and a great community. Each individual can enjoy in their own way and it's no man or woman's place to pass judgement on anyone else's joy.
I think it comes down to motives.

If one can afford and enjoy a Charatan Crown Achievment with the best aged tobacco available, it's just that: enjoyment. "Hey, let's smoke some 20 yo FVF together. Bring your cob, dude, and I'll let you try some. It'll be great!"

If smoking that stuff is merely to set yourself apart as exclusive, it's just a symptom of ego coupled with low self esteem. "See, I'm in a whole different league. Too bad you can't be part of this. This is the grownup's table."

That attitude really won't fit in very well in most communities. Online or in person.
When you grow up you can have some Kiwi Briar Boots, son. *pats head*


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