
Brothers of Briar

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So it's PBs birthday. Since Mark already sent him Carly Banks what should we do? I mean, really, once you hit 67 years, something like that could be fatal. Some Viagra enhanced ecig juice? :twisted:

67 ? 72 (in another thread) ?

I always had the impression he was younger than

For what its worth... I ordered three juices from Alien Visions Boba's Bounty, a very very pipish juices.. honestly to me it taste a lot like a Va/Per. I've heard it described as everything from cola tobacco to raisen bran. Lol. And I got English Toffee that needs some celler time, which sucks cause its the one I planned on vaping today. And Watermelon Overload. Taste like a jolly rancher, not bad stuff. Oh and I got a bridgeless dual coil 306 Atomizer and a matching Empiremods drip shield for my buzz pro. And a bridgeless non dual coil for both my Reo and my Provari.

The equivalent in pipe terms is I bought some 10 year old Pease weed and some accessories for my Eltang, my Chonowitsch and my Ivarsson pipes. Put that in your lowbrow snob cob pipe and smoke it.

The only suck about it is my buddy Frost ain't here to lust after it.
Well need a whole new category now: What are you vaping?

I had never seen an e cigarette in action until this summer. Lot's of "smoke" that dissapates quickly. You see it but all you smell is an air freshener sort of scent. Pretty cool actually. It probably vexes the antis. They want to complain, but then it's gone.

What is the stance on vaping in public?
Some of it, some not. Just like tobacco some of it needs cellar time to meld... Not 5-10-15 years mind you but a couple weeks 'steeping' does wonders for what sometimes appears as junk at first taste. I get around messing with it because I usually vape Dekang RY4 or Blue Mist Vaping Caramel and they are both premixed shelf items.

Alien Visions is $17 per 30ml
BMV is $32 per 180 ml
Dekang is $10 per 50 ml
Pinkspot , Juicy Vapor, and Digitalciggz are pushing $30 per 30ml

I vape cheap most of the time, but it's the best of the cheap.
I just figured I'd splurge a bit today.
Big tobacco tried to fight it but has bought into it after losing their battle.
Pharmacy is still fighting it, and will likely win some concessions.

General public is hit and miss.. antis hate it.. true healthy life folk love it.. most people don't have an opinion. All I know is for the first time in over 30 years I can breath, I don't stink, and I'm not dropping $20 a day to prevent killing someone.
Here Eric. Check this out. www.epipemods.com

Lots of former pipers are coming to light.
I actually think a "vaping" category just below "The Humidor" or the "Snuff Box" here would be pretty cool. I have always dug the idea, just because it's just another option for people.
I've got some extra stuff if you'd like to try your hand at it... Some spare ego battery and a bunch of juice that just wasn't for me (always buy small bottles til you find stuff you like)
All you'd really need are some smoke tech or boge cartomizers or even better a Vivi Nova tank (google and YouTube are your friends)
I warn you though...I accidentally completely gave up ALL tobacco when I quit smoking cigs.
Still a nicotine junky but I do it a lot safer now.
1) "Safer" than pipes ? :scratch:

2) Sounds appealing. But it seems to end up costing more than the cigarettes do, by the time you're done (?)

No.. and yes, as bad as I hate to say it.. it is safer than pipes. Not going to get into a debate. and I damn sure aint trying to convert anyone.. smoke your pipe in peace bro, you'll never hear me utter a word.... BUT I was referring to cigarettes.

For 15 bucks you can get a passthrough battery, and for another 10 bucks you can get a months supply of juice.. add in a 11 buck Vivi Nova tank, mines lasted since june on one atomizer head, and your good to go for quite some time....
So yes for $36 you could walk out the door with a month supply with a $10 a month or so recurring cost.

I have went a bit over board... BUT I am no longer paying $150 a week or so for cigs so even though I occasionally drop two bills on a toy it still pales in comparison. Literally equate my equipment with the best of the best, because thats what it is..
Does a $30 set up work as good? yeah, it gets the job done, much the way a stanwell and a tin of Pease does.. but I splurge on me occasionally.. nothing wrong with it, the bills are paid, the babies are fed..
So, how much stuff are you walking around with to go, say, 8 hours ?

How bulky ?

Metal ?

I'm trying to imagine me getting through the metal detector coming into work with all that (?) -- with or without a gate pass for it . . .

You can't even carry an umbrella in with a pointy tip.

Depends on how much you 'smoke'.
If it's the standard 3 smoke breaks per shift you could easily get by with a 510 battery and a cartomizer.. same size as a cigarette.
My mind is definitely open to the idea. I'm do a little investigation of the availability of the supplies etc down here. I've never seen any adverts for it down here. I'd hate to start only to find it less available and more expensive than pipe tobacco down here. :p


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