Love some parsons blend.Smoking a Pete Watson with CS Parsons blend,Mug of Peet`s dark roast coffee. I placed a few bids on tobacco`s at cigarbid.
He sure did. One Bogart movie that almost never gets mentioned is We're No Angels. It's fun, very underrated, different kind of role for Bogie with a great cast including Basil Rathbone.Jim, just a little "funny ha-ha" on my part!! Bogey made grand movies!! FTRPLT
When I was a child at my Grandmother's Ruth home who had chickens (1950s), Robbie the rooster attacted my older brother (he was maybe 5 yrs old). That night we ate Robbie. I assume the other chickens took note as there were never anymore assaults to us children.I took a Let Freedom Ring Rob Roy filled with GH DVC and now that chores are done I can enjoy it. I caught Little Ricky the rabbit and put his cage back together. One of the roosters from the other stall tried to make Lynda his hen so I went in and straightened him out. We now have two roosters named "soup" and when we pick a third it will be time to get the pot started!