We are still enjoying glorious weather in the Bluegrass. I'm on the patio enjoying KBV Burley Morning Pipe in a Jansen"s N.O. bent volcano with saddle stem, a cup of Folger's Colombian coffee, and a book.

@Singed do they give as hard of a time with importing just a pipe?The biggest flaw in that plan is if and when it fails, for both the sender and receiver. Tax men will spend a fortune to make an example of even the smallest infraction. This is a universal truth.
BoB's ha, I thought I was only replying to Singed's post. Good grief!Second bowl today was Steamworks in the same Pete. Even the DGT was good.
@Singed do they give as hard of a time with importing just a pipe?
@lgoldberg congrats grandpa and to your son and daughter in law. Keep us posted please.Daughter in Law #2 is in labor with grandchild #2 (a girl this time!) I'm smoking Pete in a Pete. That is all.
Short answer, no.Second bowl today was Steamworks in the same Pete. Even the DGT was good.
@Singed do they give as hard of a time with importing just a pipe?
I love the zone clock! It looks quite old, does it run?I just finished mowing the lawn. The weather is so nice I hardly sweated. I'm now relaxing with Inns of Court in a Drucquer & Sons smooth, slightly bent, hexagonal-panelled acorn. I'm drinking Coke Zero.
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