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Brothers of Briar

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Now smoking year 2020 Watch City Rouxgaroux in a smooth medium bend 2021 Peterson POTY Natural 4AB No. 6/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. Time to check the forum.
This morning we lost our oldest cat, she was 14 or 15 and adopted us when she left her home and came to sit on my lap one afternoon. I returned her to her owners and she escaped a second time and was with us ever since. My mother wasn't a cat fan but she lived with us for three months and Bella became the Apple of her eyes, would sleep with her and could do no wrong. Bella became the surrogate mother of Zita, Rosa's kitten and most recently Archie and Billy Scamper. We laid her to rest this afternoon under the honeysuckle bush.

Bella's on the bottom of the pile!

I'm sitting outside with GLP Ashbury in an MM Missouri Pride and a cup of coffee.
This morning we lost our oldest cat, she was 14 or 15 and adopted us when she left her home and came to sit on my lap one afternoon. I returned her to her owners and she escaped a second time and was with us ever since. My mother wasn't a cat fan but she lived with us for three months and Bella became the Apple of her eyes, would sleep with her and could do no wrong. Bella became the surrogate mother of Zita, Rosa's kitten and most recently Archie and Billy Scamper. We laid her to rest this afternoon under the honeysuckle bush.
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Bella's on the bottom of the pile!

I'm sitting outside with GLP Ashbury in an MM Missouri Pride and a cup of coffee.
I'm sorry for your loss, but you and your lady provided Bella with a loving home, and I know that's some reassurance during this difficult time.
I know I promised to only smoke on weekends, buy as it is a long weekend I'm not really cheating, or am I, lol. Anyway having a bowl of 2017 Frog Morton in a 2012 Aldo Velani POTY. 1/4 bent flame grain dublin. Jim Beam peach bourbon on the side. Too sweet, not a good match for the tobacco. But the Frog Morton is good. Radiation and chemo tomorrow so gonna be a long day. But right now all is good, lol. Have a fun week my friends. Zippo, didn't mean you were a Hobbit, just that I am not. Been so long since I saw LOTR not even sure what a Hobbit is, LOL.
Relaxing after a wonderful salad, chicken legs and snow peas dinner with strawberries for dessert. I'm off to work with a bowl of year 2020 D&R Penhooker Silver in a straight smooth brown undated pre-Republic Peterson Shamrock 263 Canadian with a nickel band and a tapered black p-lip stem. Community Coffee, neat, is my drink.
Enjoyed a tasty golden delicious apple, and am smoking year 2021 Watch City Simply VOriental in a straight smooth medium brown 1930s Wilshire 5 bulldog (Comoy’s second) made for John’s Pipe Shop in Los Angeles with a black vulcanite saddle stem.
 Wilshire 5 bulldog.jpg
Finished work for the day, and am smoking year 2018 D&R Windsail in a 2018 full bend smooth natural Peterson Sherlock Holmes Lestrade with a silver band and a black vulcanite saddle p-lip stem. Going to do a few things, including reading baseball box scores.
Peterson Sherlock Holmes Lestrade, 2018.jpg
Near the half way mark of this bowl of year 2014 Edgeworth Ready Rubbed Match in a very much appreciated 1979 brown, slight bend grain etched flat front Stanwell Rego 969-48 (09) with a black vulcanite saddle stem. I should be able to end the day with this smoke. Tomato the Brave must have had a busy evening because he's been extra hungry during the last feeding and the one he's currently having. Daisy the Feral Princess ate earlier, and is snoozin' on her blanket. Harry the Hairy's eating outside. Didn't see Abner the Eager.
Stanwell Rego 969-48 (09).jpg

Tomato sez, "More, please."