Mountain Camp in a Butz Choquin Twin Bore Captain Galion

What do you think turned the trick for you on the Lestrade? It looked like you weren't going to get along with that pipe.Smoking some 7 seas regular blend in the Pete Lestrade, I have been really enjoying this pipe lately ! I have been looking at other pipes in the Sherlock Holmes series. I`m thinking of getting the Dr. Watson. Any of you guys own one and have an opinion? Thanks
Petes usually need more break in time than other factory pipes. Seems like you're smoking drier tobaccos in it, too.Good morning,
My job called , no work today ! major hurricane due here soon.
Starting my day with P/S Sweet vanilla Cavendish in a Bari danish freehand pipe, While I like the Stokkebye`s I may mix a bit of Carter Hall in it just to balance it out.
Jim, I have 2 theories on the Lestrade...
The Lestrade needed a much longer break -in than most pipes that I have owned.
The Lestrade likes the better tobacco`s, I can smoke Mac Baren,Stokkebye`s with out a gurgle all day.