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@Idlefellow I particularly like the Calabash. Blue on white pottery aways reminds me of Deftware, traditional Dutch ceramics. My mother's heritage is 20 C. Dutch, her father came here between the first and second WW and her mother's grandfather was Dutch Mennonite and came just after the Boer War.

Starting my week-end with my Breakfast of Champions, Mark Twain in the Re-Gent today. Coffee in attendance.
I have always liked the "Dutch" pottery look too, and I loved this Troost logo from those days that's on the pipe: a poor fellow in the stocks being offered a puff on a pipe by a kindly soul. I have that logo on a tobacco jar and an ashtray that were also available with Troost coupons back in the day, and I have a metal tobacco jar painted in a delftware motif -blue on white, windmills and such.

Had a very busy day, and couldn't post until now. Didn't have lunch, but I will after this smoke. I've nearly finished this bowl of year 2001 Wessex Campaign Dark Flake in a smooth dark brown medium bend year 1924 Dunhill 136A double patent apple with a tapered black vulcanite stem. Gold Star Jamaican Estate Reserve, neat, is my drink.
Hey guys!
I have been extremely busy at work lately,any free time that I have had has been spent working on my property here. -Sadly this winter was not kind to us!
Earlier, I smoked the new Kemperling handmade bent Rhodesian that finally arrived yesterday,it was filled to the rim with Lane LL-7. It was a fantastic smoke!
I am now smoking a Bari Wiking freehand ,that was recently repaired and refurbished by Smokers Haven, Sutliff blue note is in the pipe. Mc Cafe k-cup to pair it with.
I had posted last week about Ranger and Zippo, as we have not heard from them, I was happy to see that Ranger had posted recently- Ranger ,your in my prayers ,buddy. I know that your going thru tough times,hopefully the meds that Ralph spoke of will help you. Your almost at the finnish line,hang in there!
Does anyone have any info on Zippo? He`s a good man and a long time member,if anyone has his contact info,please send them to me,as I would love to call and talk with him.
Ranger, I believe you have my phone number,if not send me a message. I am here for you,if you need to talk!
Enjoyed a tall stack of cinnamon raisin French toast with unsalted peanuts and a golden delicious apple lunch. I'm near the last quarter of this bowl of year 2020 Watch City Rouxgaroux in a smooth medium bend 2021 Peterson POTY Natural 4AB No. 6/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. Ice water and bergs is my drink.
Relaxing after a wonderful salad, cod and snow peas dinner with strawberries for dessert. I'm a third of the way through this bowl of year 2014 Dunhill Flake in a straight smooth 1960 Dunhill DR 137 group 4 root briar canted dublin with a tapered black vulcanite stem. Community Coffee, neat, is my drink.
@MLBbreton Nice blue sky, and good working double bit behind the pipe.
It's my Pepe's (grandfather's) axe. He started working in the logging camps at 13. I have his axe and a big saw called a misery whip. Lumberjacks back east and loggers out here in the PNW. It's over 100 years old and splits wood like dream.
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Half way through this bowl of year 2024 Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 2014 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend squashed tomato with an aluminum band and a black pearl acrylic stem in the military mount style. It's going to be another very busy day for me. Ice water and bergs is my drink.

Fed my cats, and all four ferals with no drama. Daisy the Feral Princess seems well today although she didn't eat much. Abner the Eager hid behind the sofa after he ate. Harry the Hairy ate dry food outside. Tomato the Brave is chasing invisible friends and catnip toys around the den. I'd say they were his intellectual equal. :)
Basil_squashed_ tomato copy.jpg

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