How are you finding the Beast? I was looking at last night when doing some online window shopping and almost pulled the trigger on some. I think I still might.Smoking some of The Beast in a Ron Smith Rhodesian. Ron is in our Knoxville Pipe Club and makes reasonably-priced briar and morta pipes: Shop
He doesn't put the dimensions in the listings, but if you email him, he'll measure whatever you're interested in.
I am currently smoking my third or fourth bowl of it in a Ron Smith Rhodesian as I speak and the perique is definitely the lead actor. It is a high quality blend, no stems or unsightly pieces in the mix. It is strong in nicotine and very satisfying, if not overwhelming, depending on your tolerance. The flavor is smooth and enjoyable and it burns well right out of the tin. It was nice to try for a change, but I won't be buying any because I tend to like burley-based blends more than this blend.How are you finding the Beast? I was looking at last night when doing some online window shopping and almost pulled the trigger on some. I think I still might.
Hi @Swede Where did you find that Rogers tobacco pouch? Just curious. Nice find!C&D Carolina Red Flake in a Peterson 302 rusticated system pipe beside my new old stock Rogers air-tite tobacco pouch in brown leather. I'd wanted a pouch and this one is said to be from the 50s-60s, has the rubberish lining in excellent shape, and the zipper wraps around the end to keep the top locked closed. It also seems to allow space for possibly a small pipe a tamper and lighter. If anyone remembers these and the time frame, I'd appreciate learning more.
View attachment 8870
Shoot. If I didn't have other expenses right now I would have probably picked up one of those pipes. They are indeed reasonably pricedSmoking some of The Beast in a Ron Smith Rhodesian. Ron is in our Knoxville Pipe Club and makes reasonably-priced briar and morta pipes: Shop
He doesn't put the dimensions in the listings, but if you email him, he'll measure whatever you're interested in.
Good morning Haebar, thanks and it was on ebay. I was the only bidder.Hi @Swede Where did you find that Rogers tobacco pouch? Just curious. Nice find!
C&D Carolina Red Flake in a Peterson 302 rusticated system pipe beside my new old stock Rogers air-tite tobacco pouch in brown leather. I'd wanted a pouch and this one is said to be from the 50s-60s, has the rubberish lining in excellent shape, and the zipper wraps around the end to keep the top locked closed. It also seems to allow space for possibly a small pipe a tamper and lighter. If anyone remembers these and the time frame, I'd appreciate learning more.
View attachment 8870View attachment 8871
Wow, how much does that thing weigh?Having some War Horse Bar in a Hansectic briar.View attachment 8875