West of the East and East of the West
Figgy Pudding in a Pete XL02...

You have Figgy Pudding left? I'm envious. Finished mine up in March.Figgy Pudding in a Pete XL02...
Jim, can you compare Wall Street to Wilke 400? I like the taste of 400 but has a few rough edges and a bit weak on latakia. Thanks.Now smoking Wilke Wall Street in my old reliable straight grain brown medium bend 1986 smooth Peterson Kildare 999 Rhodesian with a tapered black vulcanite p-lip stem.
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Sid, sorry to hear things have taken a turn for the worse. Take care of yourself, keep enjoying the pipe when you can, and stay healthy. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.Good morning, the situation here is not so good, our life here has suddenly deteriorated so much that it has a direct impact on our health. The 3 main reasons are: the new neighbours (here we ironically call them "Investors") and the lack of peace-sleep from them, the unusualness of the dogs on the balconies and the fact that they get dirty on the side-walk (here things are not organized as in other countries) and all 3 are Lockdown and the restrictions we had from the state-police (only we, not the "Investors").
I have gained weight, my blood pressure has increased and I am generally not in a good mood. I do not smoke or drink coffee as before, I have stopped modifying pipes and uploading material to my blog. I try to improve my quality of life as much as I can but it is extremely difficult with so many restrictions, I also can not complain because the system is deliberately made that way.
Skandinavik Sungold.