Country Squire Figgy Pudding in a 2019 Paterson Christmas. Guess in feeling festive this morning.

Really liked Figgy Pudding. Think this year I will order a lb. and jar some for later.Country Squire Figgy Pudding in a 2019 Paterson Christmas. Guess in feeling festive this morning.
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EZ, i have several Stanwells and they are all good just some better than others. Ironically the two best are their cheapie ($30\40) brushed black. They both smoke great, no break in, and as good as pipes I have costing much more. Enjoy.Good morning
Starting this rainy day with a new Italian made Stanwell Pipe filled with Sutliff vanilla custard. I am on the fence with the pipe,I like the Stanwell shape and design, I guess maybe I need more break-in time with it ? maybe I expected to much because of Stanwell`s reputation? It`s not a bad pipe,just a so-so pipe at this point. Anyway,Happy Friday to all !
There's no comparison. Wall Street is burley and perique. No Latakia. They are in different genres.Jim, can you compare Wall Street to Wilke 400? I like the taste of 400 but has a few rough edges and a bit weak on latakia. Thanks.
EZ, I know you like the Bari pipes. Saw an interesting one on Ebay today. A large, oversized, freehand, kind of a cross between a brandy and a rhodesian. Nice looking, however, it was listed at $330. Are they really that good, worth that much? Tempted to try based on your recommendation but that seems like a high price for a pipe I know nothing aboutGood afternoon,
I had a busy day volunteering for the Knights of Columbus ,our council had a big fundraiser today !
I just fired up a bowl of my favorite combo Lane LL-7 & BCA in large Bari wiking freehand pipe.Life is good!