Starting the day with some Sherlock in a Peterson System

Agreed! The Mickey D’s kcups are actually quite good. The Premium roast is very good, and their Colombian is actually extremely delicious!Smoking a Savinelli 616 ks 6mm filtered pipe with Casey Jones hero's blend. Wife bought some McDONALDS K-cups,There actually not bad for a quick caffeine fix.
EZ, google Oldenkott pipes and see what you can find on the history of them.Good morning,
Starting my day with a Savinelli 616ks and Lane 1Q Tobacco. A local fellow piper is looking to sell me an Oldenkott Rubin ? Possibly a few others. I really don't know much about German pipes and I do not want to get ripped off. Anyone own any pipes of this brand and have an opinion? e-bay has not been much help!
thank you
EZ, relax, take it easy. Stress and tension are the enemy. Be positive. After all, you're still here with us and breathing. Will be sending positive thoughts your way.Smoking an Italian made Stanwell Vario filtered pipe along with Casey Jones hero`s blend, with the last of my pot of coffee. Having some anxiety, going to see the pulminologist this afternoon.
Glad to hear. Hope the meds work out for you. Let us know how the Oldenkott smokes.Smoking a Stanwell vario filtered pipe with Lane BCA and a quick mickey D`s K-cup. Dr gave me 2 new meds to help clear my breathing issues...
Ranger,I got the Oldenkott for 35$ It`s in pretty good shape just needs an oxyclean bath and a good polishing !
most of the pipes he had were high end pipes and very few took filters. At least I got one!