Good morning gentlemen, and Miss Kitty, lol. As Zippo says, late to the parade today. Slept in a couple of hours. Enjoying a quiet Sunday morning with Hobbits Weed in a Don Carlos bent brandy. Love this pipe. Has a large bowl and with Hobbits Weed good for well over an hour. And it hangs comfortably while texting. Surrey, I really enjoyed your musings on pipe smoking. It reminded me that in college, many, many years ago, one of my favorite classes was philosophy. Had an older professor, probably in his late 60s, who was also a pipe smoker. He would allow me to smoke a pipe in the back of the room with a window open. Kind of looked like Albert Einstein. Had a strong penchant for the early Greeks and would often put a phrase on the board from Socrates, Plato, etc. and then ask the class for their opinions on the conjecture of the thought. Led to some interesting conversation and interplay of ideas. Surrey's musings got me to thinking about tools and my life as a professional a/c mechanic. I have 2 toolboxes and several thousand dollars worth of tools and I treat them like my pipes, with respect and consideration, compared to the average DIYer. Ironically, the reason I only had one bowl yesterday and never got back to the forum was that when we got back from the ranch I had an unexpected project pop up. Won't bore you folks with the details but suffice to say it turned into several hours and required extensive use of my tools. Files, ratchets with several extensions, wrenches, etc. Also probably 50 trips up and down an 8' ladder. The average guy would never have been able to complete such a task. By the time I got done, around 6 pm, I was totally worn out and too tired to even pack a pipe. Really glad I had the tools necessary to get the job done. I apologize for the extra long post, but like Surrey I also have this penchant for musing when I do have the time to sit back with coffee and a pipe. Hope everyone is having a peaceful Sunday morning and enjoying our favorite pastime.