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Not far from finishing this bowl of Wilke Wall Street in my old reliable straight grain brown medium bend 1986 smooth Peterson Kildare 999 Rhodesian with a tapered black vulcanite p-lip stem. This will do it for me today.
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Abner the Eager and Sam the Scamp took turns chasing each other away from me during my second set of walks today with Abner doing most of that. Both got a little walking time with me. When I finishing walking, I let Abner in the house for a while to eat, and then he took a snooze by my side while Sam ate outside undisturbed. When Abner wanted go come outside, I let Sam in, and he did the same things Abner did before he wanted out. Daisy the Feral Princess spent most of the day and night sleeping on my studio chair which she is still doing.

Tomato the Brave finally showed up a little after four a.m. to eat, and I let him come inside and gave him plenty of wet and dry food. He’s still limping badly, but it doesn’t inhibit his ability to run or his big need for my attention, which he is definitely getting right now. He was extremely hungry, and is very happy to be with me. I wish I knew where he was all day. I fed Abner the Eager and Sam the Scamp separately. When Sam saw me, he ran as fast as he could, like a rabbit, to the front of house where I usually feed him. Abner was content to eat by the back door.

Around nine p.m., I was surprised by the appearance of a big dog on my deck. It ran when I came out of the house. I didn’t get a close look at it, but I suspect it belongs to Daisy and Tomato’s former “owners”, who had their back yard lights on. That’s been a recent regular occurrence. I imagine they let him out for a while, and if this has been an evening habit, it would explain why I’m not seeing any of the ferals during that time in the past week or so.
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I don't want to alarm you, Jim, but the cats are taking over your house. You may wind up eating on the porch soon.:oops:
Enjoyed a tasty lunch, and am closing in on the half way mark of this bowl of year 2020 Watch City Rouxgaroux in a smooth medium bend 2021 Peterson POTY Natural 4AB No. 6/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. Lavazza Classico, neat, is my drink. Watching a documentary about Houdini's diaries.
Now smoking Ken Byron Ventures Jim’s Special Flake 2023 in a 1984 black rusticated full bend Peterson Mark Twain military mount egg with a silver cap and tapered black vulcanite p-lip stem. Ice water and bergs is my drink. Abner is snoozin' by my side.
A quarter of the way through this bowl of KBV Mr. Christian's Haunted Virginia 2022 in a straight, black sandblasted 1970s Comoy’s Mark-2 G * 6 (4) bulldog with a black vulcanite saddle stem. Tomato the Brave showed up, still limping, but full of energy and now, full of food. His hip seems to be the problem.
After cleaning the chicken stall I really needed a shower and decided to go all the way and do a haircut and breard trim before hoping in. Appetizer/dessert smoke is GLP Abingdon in a Rob Roy, still drinking coffee. Dinner tonight is vegetarian, tomato salad, crostini and mushroom and onion stir fry.
Near the half way mark of this bowl of Jim’s English in a full bend black pebble finish 2001 Rinaldo Lithos YY8 Titania Silver Line egg with a tapered black acrylic stem. Got lots of photos of Tomato the Brave playing with toys, and a video, too, although I can't seem to post that video.
Rinaldo Lithos YY8 Titania Silver Line egg.jpg
Relaxing after a wonderful salad, chicken legs and green beans dinner with strawberries for dessert. I'm close to finishing this bowl of Watch City American Cut Plug Mixture in a smooth medium bend terracotta Peterson POY 2023 X160 464/1100 military mount egg with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem.
Now smoking Peretti Royal in a black sandblasted medium bend 2013 Mark Tinsky Coral 5 cherrywood with a smooth dark brown shank and bottom with a tapered black briar accented acrylic stem. Community Coffee, neat, is my drink. M'lady and I are deciding on what to watch. Tomato the Brave is lying on my feet. He won't leave me which indicates to me that he's extra needy because of his hip problem. He did play a bit, and later on, I'll download and post a few pics.
Now smoking year 2019 HU Directors Cut in a 2002 black short shank grain relief straight Caminetto 6.L.17 tomato with a black acrylic tapered stem. Watching the first episode of Harry O with Sleepy Suzy by my side, and Tomato the Brave by my feet. Molly Danger is lying on m'lady's lap while Daisy the Feral Princess is laying near her chair. No drama so far. Hope that lasts.
Caminetto 2002 Tomato.jpg
Enjoyed a tasty Snap Dragon apple, and am nearing the half way mark of this bowl of year 2014 Dunhill Flake in a straight smooth 1960 Dunhill DR 137 group 4 root briar canted dublin with a tapered black vulcanite stem. Cleaning a few pipes.
Earlier, I smoked a bowl of unreleased 2021 Sutliff Virginia plug in a 2002 straight grain Karl Erik Ekstravagant A medium bend dublin sitter with a small horn ferrule accent and black acrylic saddle stem.

Now, I'm close to finishing this bowl of year 2014 Uhle’s 00 in a straight smooth brown post-WW2 LHS Purex Superfine 74 Canadian with a metal screw-in tenon and a tapered black vulcanite stem.
LHS Purex Superfine 74 Canadian.jpg

For the evening, I had Tomato the Brave and Daisy the Feral Princess in the house , and Tomato stayed by my feet the entire time. All was peaceful until everybody got hungry. Everybody starting hissing at one another, and then Abner the Eager came out from behind my chair. I didn't know he was in the house, but all the hissing got his attention. I had to put the ferals out so Sleepy Suzy and Molly Danger would relax, and eat in peace. I wanted to keep Tomato inside to rest his hip, but I had no choice in the matter because my cats come first, and it wasn't a pretty scene. For some reason, the ferals aren't staying inside the heated houses the last two weeks, but I'm sure they'll be okay.

Right now, outside, Tomato the Brave is stalking around "his territory" to show who the boss is. Daisy the Feral Princess chased off Abner. There was a light on by the side of the house, but when I went to look, I didn't see any cats. Whoever it might have been must have taken off like a rocket.
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Enjoyed a tasty golden delicious apple, and am almost a third of the way through this bowl of year 2014 Edgeworth Ready Rubbed Match in a 2019 black rusticated Peterson 312 full bend billiard with a military mount and a nickel cap with a cumberland 4AB stem and a N.A.P. bit. Haven't smoked this pipe in quite a while. I may end the day with this smoke.

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Good Morning!
Not as cold this morning as yesterday but I'll still be happier when spring arrives! Starting the day with GLP Westminster in an Apple Diplomat along with a fresh pour over cup of Columbian coffee. It's going to be a busy day doing errands in three different directions, home is going to feel like @Ranger107 favorite restaurants the In n' Out!

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