Damn you Jim I was kinda not a cat fan before all your postsLast smoke of the day is year 2016 Newminister 400 Superior Navy Flake in a straight smooth brown year 1948 Parker Super Bruyere patent 23 88/F bulldog with a tapered black vulcanite stem.
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As Paul Harvey used to say "Here's... the... rest... of the story."
Tomato the Brave kept his distance after I scolded him about wanting to chase Sam, who jumped on top of my chair for safety and attention. Abner the Eager showed up to eat, and have a snooze on the couch. In the meantime, Daisy the Feral Princess was watching behind a door probably wondering what was the matter with those bone heads. After everybody was settled, Daisy came up to me in her typical imperious way and looked at me thinking, “Now that you fed the serfs, feed me, you blockhead!” How could I refuse the Feral Princess?
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Thanks a bunch, man. The drama can get a tad stressful, but it's worth it.Damn you Jim I was kinda not a cat fan before all your postsThat Ranga cat is a Legend as all them are love em !
Some minutes later, Daisy and Tomato wanted back inside where it's warm. I called for Sam and Abner, but only Sam had returned. I held him, scratched him, and when he felt comfortable enough, I brought him some more food. Then, Abner returned to eat, and I had to comfort him, too. I let him in to spend the night. That's enough drama for today. It's after 6 a.m, and I'm going to bed.Damn you Jim I was kinda not a cat fan before all your postsThat Ranga cat is a Legend as all them are love em !
A new blend to name huh, right let me get my thinking hat onCould call it Sedalia Trail. Will wait for Zippo to report in, lol. Have a great day guys.
Good to see you back buddy.A new blend to name huh, right let me get my thinking hat onlol
@Ranger107A new blend to name huh, right let me get my thinking hat onlol