'Dayyy from Athens-Greece, we have sun with few clouds and 45 'F here.
The ''Hygienists'' in Winter - Part 3
I have analysed in previous posts the tricks that the ''Hygienists" play against us when there are 2-3 of them together, there are also some times when someone is alone. That moron he things that he can change the situation and apply his own rules, neither goes from the beginning and sits in the smoking area or comes later while there are already smokers sitting there. At first he starts to look at us askance, then he makes exclamations like Sighhh, then he starts to hit the pages of the newspaper or magazine (he supposed got angry). Other times he hits the cup on his coffee saucer or throws his cell phone with a bang on the table (he supposed can't stand it any more).
Of course we don't pay any attention to him and continue to smoke our cigar/pipe and this makes him furious. He expects for us to say "oh, sir excuse me, is my smoke bothering you? Is it making you fell uncomfortable? Oh i am so sorry. Do you want me to put it out? Do you want me to change position?" etc but because we don't say anything to him, embarrassed and defeated, that schmuck is forced to go indoors or leave the Café.
He lost and we won..