Earlier I had a bent MM Missouri Pride filled with GLP Odyssey and I'm now enjoying GLP Laurel Heights in a bent MM Let Freedom Ring. A bottomless cup of coffee has been with me all day.
Just over a quarter of a bowl left of year 2020 Peter Heinrichs Golden Sliced in a pre-1940s straight smooth brown Sutliff St. James (Comoy’s) spiral billiard with a tapered black vulcanite stem. Ice water and bergs is my drink. Decided I did enough cleaning for one night. I may have another estate pipe ready tomorrow with some luck. It'll take me months to get them all cleaned, and I still have other pipes that a friend had given me a while back that need cleaning. They'll have to continue to wait along with quite a number of cleaned ones that I haven't smoked because I couldn't figure out what to smoke in those old pipes. More often than not, I'll probably clean some of the easier ones. The 1923 Dunhill needs more work than I expected, but I'm working on it.
Fed all the ferals except for Abner the Eager, who left after the storm passed. M'lady fed Molly Danger and Sleepy Suzy, who is by my side. Low calorie snacking follows this smoke.