What are you smoking?

Brothers of Briar

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Union Square in a(n apparently) 1915-22 era Peterson DeLuxe Apple. Group Two size and a favorite since getting it from a collector friend in 1974.

Guilford Courthouse in a Vauen Barontini, Firestone Wookey Jack Black Rye IPA on the side.
Peterson Connoisseur's Choice in a Mario Grandi straight billiard - with a good book and in my happy place.....


...this afternoon, a bowl of SG 1792 Flake in a P&T 2000 POY smooth Natural panel billiard... :cheers:


“Pipe smoking is not a habit…but a way of life”…
Mac Baren Vanilla Cream Flake in a Pete 221.


Just loaded a Savinelli 316KS Champagne with some Altidis Tobacco Galleria Wild Cherry Aro for a change. :) It's a Va/Black Cavandish w/cherry topping that is not bad at all !! Smokes nice and dry, no wetness to it and has a nice mainly sweet aroma and flavor and I'm sure Bro Rob would LOVE it !!! :p
1st try of St Bruno Ready Rubbed in a mini-churchwarden basket briar

edit: the ready rubbed seems a bit more 'casing forward' than the flake, but otherwise (unsurprisingly perhaps) about the same
Embarcadero in my Royal Meerschaum after a challenging yet satisfying day at the brewery.

Hard work deserves a beer......

............that's on the menu next!



The Solent Mixture in a Viking Classic Billiard.

...this evening, a bowl of Revor Plug in a group 4 Dunhill Cumberland Lovat... :cheers:

God grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked, the good fortune to run into the ones I do, and the eyesight to tell the difference.
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