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Brothers of Briar

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Supposed to get some rain tonight here in Northern Californ so I thought it would be appropriate to smoke a big bowl of Stormfront in my Knute Freehand. Call me assbackwards but I like SF much more in a briar.
...winding down after a full day with kids/grandkids...a bowl of MacBaren HH Matured Virginia in an Ashton Soverign XL Apple... :cheers:


"To light is human; to puff, divine"
Balkan Sobranie in a Savenelli 320.

You all have no idea how long I've wanted to type that. Picked this up a year or so ago, the Germain one. Very, very good.
Paul 2.0":lrvgspfd said:
Balkan Sobranie in a Savenelli 320. You all have no idea how long I've wanted to type that. Picked this up a year or so ago, the Germain one. Very, very good.
Congrats! I'm settling for Balkan Sassieni right now, but if I squint really hard the tin almost looks the same. :lol:
George Kaplan":es0v2qff said:
Paul 2.0":es0v2qff said:
Balkan Sobranie in a Savenelli 320. You all have no idea how long I've wanted to type that. Picked this up a year or so ago, the Germain one. Very, very good.
Congrats! I'm settling for Balkan Sassieni right now, but if I squint really hard the tin almost looks the same. :lol:
Yeah it is pretty close, multiple beers helps blur the line as well as far as tin art goes. Actually I like the Sessini art better. However I like the germain tobacco a bit better too. Been a great night, had a wonderful study at RCIA, finished my tin of Pelican on the way home (from 2001, good but sadly hard too find blend), had a great dinner, played with my daughter and popped the top on the Sobranie.

Sometimes life can be okay I think. Makes up for the fact I got a case of Bell's Palsy last weekend (finally getting some movement back in my face) from an ear infection of all things.
Since I was here last: Louisiana Red in a 2003 Peterson Sherlock Holmes Series Baskerville, followed by Dark Bird's Eye in an old Barling straight Exel 249 Fossil T.V.F. I'm now smoking Onyx in a medium bent meer with a lined and etched egg shaped bowl, and waiting in my ashtray is Edgeworth Ready Rubbed Match in a 1979 brown slight bend, grain etched flat side Dego (or Rego) 969-48 (09).
Half&Half in a tan etched slight bend 2001 Rinaldo Sahara 2.
Peterson's Conniosseur's Choice in a behemoth Gauntley's No 1 bent rhodesian - whilst reading The House of Silk by Anthony Horowitz (recommended by Idlefellow on the 221B thread).


...this morning, a bowl of Revor Plug in a Cooper rustic Canadian... :cheers:


...up next, a bowl of Bali Shag in a Pete Killarney straight apple...

“Pipe smoking is not a habit…but a way of life”…
G & H Glengarry Flake in my little Hilson Moondial De Luxe #59 meer-lined. :D
That Castello's a beaut!

Last for me was Adirondack Tiger Slices (CupOJoes) in a Blatter bent pot. Before that was FVF and a Pete 264.
Starting my day with Dorchester in my trusty 1970s Peterson System Standard 305.
Finished the Dorchester and just lit up the current Three Nuns tinned version in a 2003 smooth full bend, gold banded 3 Star Ferndown Tudor Root. Don't smoke this one very often, but when I do, it's a great experience.
Just opened one of my 30+ yo tins of 965 (Murray's) and gonna give it a go in my new ( bought last year) peterson River (Boyne) Series Rhodesian. :p Irish blended 'bac in an Irish made pipe ! :p

^ likes what you did there.

BS again this time in a Pete system 317. LOVE the sour of the orientals in this bad boy.
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