It's been a Dunhill day with 4 bowls of Dunhill Flake and I'm having some after dinner London Mixture in a BBB "Thorneycroft" shell finished Lovat. Takin' a trip to the Balkans tonight :twisted:
loaded up a brebbia straight billiard with some 4Noggins Nutty Professor for the drive into work and hopefully the first bit of the morning. Really starting to appreciate these larger bowl billiards when I can smoke them on the job site. kind of a nice way to ease into the day smoking a pipe for the first hour.
Brought the mod cob and carter hall for the lunch break smoke.
Well home from work already. First rain day of the year. Loaded some Dunhill Light Flake from 2006 into my Stanwell Royal Rogue 63m and will cruise the interweb for a bit
Edward G. Robinson in a 1980s smooth slight bend Wally Frank Dublin. First time smoking this pipe. Might even smoke a second bowl when this is done. I seldom ever do that.