Late start today as I got up a bit late and just had enough time to listen to the Mrs. bringing me up to date on the happenings in and around Boston. Got to finish a DTG in the no name cob with Anni Kake then filled up the MM Diplomat with AK and off to get the battery after a quick breakfast of 2 slices of homemade bread with PB&J and a large cuppa black. Smoked the MM while the battery was being installed and finished it on the ride home. Came in and got Levi ready for the walkabout so I grabbed the Tsuge Tankard and loaded it up with AK and off we went listening to tunes after I re-entered the security and radio codes. Back home and grabbed another cuppa black since I can't have any caffeine 2 hours prior to my acupuncture session so now I'm drinking Orange Dry and will finish the Tsuge Tankard