Had a lovely bowl of Stonehaven in the Rolf Baginski Poker Chip Stack with bamboo strip inlays, a couple of PRM's to go with it.
Went walkabout with the lump and Levi woke up half way there. :affraid: Finished the Tamed Whoop-ass in the MM Mizzou with plum Forever Stem then loaded the Grant Batson Cumberland stemmed Tormented Blowfish with Firefly Blend which has taken on such wonderful complexity I'll miss it when it's gone. Home again now with a double double French Roast espresso celebrating our 39th anniversary today.
Well I was looking through my stash cellar and found a few flakes of Sunset and I had to really think about where these came from then it dawned upon me it was in the last order from HU Tobacco and is past of their Passion Flake lineup and it is called UP Sunset. I folded a flake in thirds and stuffed it in the Benner Olive Wood with bamboo shank. As always the top of the folded flake was teased open and a topping of a portion rubbed out for topping to fill the pipe. It was absolutely scrumptious, don't know if it was simply the flake being so good or the combination of smoking it in Olive Wood but I see me adding this to my next order from HU in the future. :cheers: Heading down to make a mug of French Roast.
Been out mowin' and have just loaded the first bowl of the day, some 4 Noggins Prairie Wind in a GBD Virgin pot w/Perspex stem. This is getting to be my fave VaPer :twisted: :twisted: