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Brothers of Briar

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Part way through this bowl of Lane 125th Anniversary in a 2015 smooth unfinished Savinelli 320KS author.
P&W #515 in a 1998 smooth straight Butz-Choquin Bistro 1501 pot.
Comoy’s Cask #4 in a slight bend rusticated 1979 Savinelli Estella 310 poker.
A couple minutes away from smoking MacBaren Modern Virginia Loose Cut in a post WW2 Pre-Republic Peterson Dublin straight smooth X155 Bulldog with a sterling silver band.
Listing this a few minutes early: 2012 Rolando’s Own in a slight bent 1970's Caminetto 103 Business KS billiard with a fumed rim.
Part way through this bowl of H&H Beverwyck in a 1975 full bend black Dunhill Shell 52021 with a black vulcanite stem.
The last of some St Bruno's Flake in an MM Country Gentleman
...early AM...EMP...now, HH Pure Virginia in a gp. 3 Dunhill chestnut apple... :cheers:

...up next...R. McConnell Oriental... :cheers:
Part way through this bowl of P&W #191 in a 2002 IMP smooth full bend egg shaped meer.
The last of some Glengarry Flake, in a straight Brigham Rhodesian
Smoker’s Pride Mellow in a black 1997 Brebbia Jubilee 925 silver banded grain sandblast briar calabash.
It's 12:22 CST and watching 'da Boys play 'da Bucs with a bowl of the BEST 'baccy blended today, McC's R&B, 50/50 in a S&R #39 straight grained Lovat. mmmmm a great pipe with a GREAT 'baccy !! :twisted: :twisted:
A few minutes away from smoking Rich Dark Flake in a straight sandblasted black billiard 2013 PSF POY Kaywoodie with an amber colored lucite stem.
Half way through this bowl of G&H Dark Flake Unscented in a 2013 bent MM Missouri Pride Legend.
Peter Heinrichs Curly Block in a straight 1968 Dunhill Shell bulldog.
MacBaren Virginia #1 in a late '90s half smooth/half etched freehand sitter, medium bend Nielsen Viggo.
Had a bowl of OGS in my estate Hardcastle Old Bruyere straight stem 'doggy late morning. Mid afternoon saw some Park Lane Luxury Scottish Flake in the Tinsky '13 Xmas dark Blast Poker.

Have some aged 5100 ready for after supper in the dedicated Stanny Legend 19.  My one and only Danish pipe!


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