Last pipe full from this tin, but have a few more for the future:
Stonehaven in my Bjarne medium Apple with a bent stem. Hand carving around the entire perimeter of the top of the bowl. Outstanding pipe for sure :cheers: :cheers:
Just finished smoking Heine's Blend in the third pipe I ever bought ($1.95), a 1974 smooth straight French briar Hadley Apple with a black vulcanite stem.
Ted's Weed in my recently restored Kaywoodie Lovat style pipe. It's marked " Standard " but has a nice grain in the briar. I used White Diamond and pure Carnauba wax on my buffing wheels for a nice smooth finish with a slight shine. Don't care for very shiny or lacquered finishes on my pipes.
Now smoking early '70s Amphora Original (Brown) in a 1990s slight bend black Sasieni 4 Dot Ruff Root Dark 4 Dublin with a black vulcanite stem. A bottle of Mist Twst is my drink.
Not far from finishing this bowl of C&D Burley Flake #3 in a 1980s Peterson 314 Full Bend black Sandblast system pipe with a black vulcanite p-lip stem.
C&D Sansepolcro (Small Batch) in a smooth medium bend straight grain 2000 Winslow C silver spigot wide top Dublin with a canted plateau and black acrylic stem.
Now smoking D&R VIP in a 2004 smooth long shank Canadian Trever Talbot Ligne Bretagne Faite en Bretagne 4/3 with a black vulcanite stem. Ice tea and bergs is my drink.
Just finishing this bowl of Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in the second pipe I ever bought, a 1974 three quarter bend black groove carved Dr. Grabow Omega with a black vulcanite stem. Ice water and bergs is my evening drink. And it's dinner time!
Part way through this bowl of the best durn tobacco made today: Strang in a 2003 smooth medium bent straight grain Ardor Venere Extra signed by Dorelio Rovera Dublin with a black acrylic stem.