Thanks, man. I always wanted a chronograph, and now I have one, and love it. The price was great, too.Lonecoyote":ipyi3ev6 said:Jim, great choice in a very well made watch. Looks like " what more can you ask for....functionality "! My favorites are Chronograph watches in general.
A blend of Burley & Black and Bayou Night bulk in a MM General pipe.
With the money you saved you can now afford to send me all that Rotary you promised. :lol!: :bounce: :bounce::lol!: BTW it's a nice looking watch. Congratulations!JimInks":plou0unj said:Almost half way through this bowl of Peter Stokkebye Bright Virginia in the first pipe Trever Talbot made when he went to France many years ago. It's a smooth straight Algerian briar Billiard bowl with a long Canadian stem, unbranded. Ice water and bergs is my evening drink. Enjoying my new watch, which I got for 63% off!!