WOW, that picture Sid posted looks very much like Ozzie Nelson. Some of you might remember him from the Ozzie and Harriet TV show back in the 50's. But not many know or remember Ozzie's secret past!!
Simply a light, sweet and fruity Lat blend:
Black Frigate well rubbed and rested for over an hour. Date on tin 2007
Pipe of choice: O'Donnell Algerian Briar partially rusticated custom made nosewarmer poker pipe with an orange/black Cumberland stem. This pipe is dedicated to this fine tobacco.
Half way through this bowl of year 1936 Briggs Mixture in a 1977 straight black rusticated Sir Brent billiard with a silver band repair and a brown pearl grey acrylic stem. Then, it's dinner time. A bottle of Mountain Dew made with pure cane sugar is my drink.
This afternoon, some of Wiz's All Things Being Equal in a Pioneer meer Poker; this evening, Hal o' the Wynd in a Sasieni Volcano I bought back in the late 80s.
Part way through this bowl of 1990s VaPer Three Nuns in a smooth straight late ‘50s, early 1960s Lane era Charatan Selected 43 Dublin with a black vulcanite double comfort stem. This pipe was formerly owned by actor William Conrad, too! My second Conrad pipe.
Low Country Guendalose ( aged just over 17 months, now no bite ) in my recently restored ( mint condition ) Viking Classic Smooth Bent Pot made in Italy.
A third of the way through this bowl of Angler's Dream in a slight bend 1984 Stanwell Antique 124 grain etched with a smooth front with a black vulcanite stem.
Part way through this bowl of Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 2014 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend squashed tomato with an aluminum band and a black pearl acrylic stem.