Having a bowl of Yenice Agonya with added latakia (i guess I'll have to ration myself, given there's no more), in an old Jarl short stack. One of my first pipes.
Now smoking Robert McConnell Special London Fine Cut in a smooth straight late 1970s Charatan Special 4148DC Reg. No. 203573 pot with a black double comfort vulcanite stem. Ice water and floaty li'l icebergs is my evening drink.
Another windy but otherwise mostly pleasant day -- Old Gowrie in an MM Diplomat and then Royal Jersey Perique, first in a Lee van Cleef meer and then an MM Country Gentleman
A quarter of the way through this bowl of Watch City Slices in a smooth medium bend 2011 Rinaldo Collection Fiammata Silver Line 7 Odea 4 flame grain bulldog with a silver band and a tortoise shell acrylic stem. Working!
A couple minutes or so away from smoking Esoterica Dorchester in a smooth straight WW2 Pre-Republic Peterson Sterling Canadian with a sterling silver band and a black vulcanite p-lip stem.
Work is done for the day and I'm now smoking Sir Walter Raleigh in a black 1997 Brebbia Jubilee 925 silver banded grain sandblast briar calabash with a black acrylic stem. Phone chatting about pipe tobacco.
Enjoying a bowl of McClelland Navy Cavendish while walking through the park this morning. The pipe pictured above is the Scottie's tomato that was gifted to me for Christmas. What a remarkable pipe in that it requires hardly any relights even in the outdoors.
Strong black coffee to accompany my walk with my favorite four-legged black Labrador Retriever.